doubi2014 2017-01-02 08:09
浏览 43


This short method in go's source code has a comment which implies that it's not allocating memory in an optimal way.

... could do better allocation-wise here ...

This is the source code for the Join method.

What exactly is inefficiently allocated here? I don't see a way around allocating the source string slice and the destination byte slice. The source being the slice of keys. The destination being the slice of bytes.

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  • dqiz20794 2017-01-02 10:04

    The code referenced by the comment is memory efficient as written. Any allocations are in strings.Join which is written to minimize memory allocations.

    I suspect that the comment was accidentally copied and pasted from this code in the net/http package:

            // TODO: could do better allocation-wise here, but trailers are rare,
            // so being lazy for now.
            if _, err := io.WriteString(w, "Trailer: "+strings.Join(keys, ",")+"
    "); err != nil {
                return err

    This snippet has the following possible allocations:

    A more memory efficient approach is to allocate a single []byte for the data to be written.

    n := len("Trailer: ") + len("
    for _, s := range keys {
        n += len(s) + 1
    p := make([]byte, 0, n-1) // subtract 1 for len(keys) - 1 commas
    p = append(p, "Trailer: "...)
    for i, s := range keys {
        if i > 0 {
            p = append(p, ',')
        p = append(p, s...)
    p = append(p, "
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