I have eight Microsoft access databases each one has around 215 tables and I needed to transfered those databases into postgresql so i used mdb-tools and exported the schemes which just one step ;but when it come to exporting tables data into postgres directly into postgresql i have to write this command for every single table:
mdb-export -I postgres -q \' myaccessdatabase.mdb table-name | psql -d mypsqldatabase -U postgres -w -h localhost
so I have been trying to write a go command program to do as follows: 1. firstly excute a command to list tables name. which will be the arg of the next command. 2. then start for range looop to excute a command that export tanle data and the output of this command is pipe into the next command. 3. this command is psql which will write the output from the previous command ( which is sql insert statment)
package main
import (
func main() {
// command to Collect tables name and list it to the next command
tablesname := exec.Command("mdb-tables", "-1", "myaccessdatabase.mdb")
// Run the command on each table name and get the output pipe/feed into the psql shell
for _, table := range tablesname {
ls := exec.Command("mdb-export", "-I", "postgres", "-q", "\'", "myaccessdatabase.mdb", table)
// | psql -d mydatabase -U postgres -w -h localhost command which will write each line from the output of previouse command's
visible := exec.Command("psql", "-d", "mypsqldatabase", "-U", "postgres", "-w", "-h", "localhost")
So i have tried to pipe the output into the stdin of the next command and couldn't implement it , meanwhile I am trying with goroutin and channels just been unable to even come with a way to make this into the last command.
Thank you very much in advance.