doumei1772 2014-11-11 15:55
浏览 17


I have a question about a data type/structure being able to satisfy the requirements of another type that's expected in a function call.

In feed.go of an RSS and Atom feed handler written in Go, there is a New helper function that takes a ChannelHandlerFunc as a third argument, which you can see gets passed as a parameter to a NewDatabaseChannelHandler, which returns a DatabaseHandler, as you can see below. A DatabaseHandler has a ChannelHandler embedded in it. You can see in the New function that the return value of NewDatabaseChannelHandler (i.e. the DatabaseHandler) gets passed as the 3rd parameter to NewWithHandlers. However, NewWithHandlers as you can see, requires a ChannelHandler as the third parameter.

Question: Why doesn't NewWithHandlers throw an error when it's passed the DatabaseHandler as a return value from NewDatabaseChannelHandler as a third parameter. NewWithHandlers expects a ChannelHandler not a DatabaseHandler?

func New(cachetimeout int, enforcecachelimit bool, ch ChannelHandlerFunc, ih ItemHandlerFunc) *Feed {
    db := NewDatabase()
    f := NewWithHandlers(cachetimeout, enforcecachelimit, NewDatabaseChannelHandler(db, ch), NewDatabaseItemHandler(db, ih))
    f.database = db
    return f

then NewWithHandlers accepts a ChannelHandler as a third argument

// NewWithHandler creates a new feed with handlers
// People should use this approach from now on
func NewWithHandlers(cachetimeout int, enforcecachelimit bool, ch ChannelHandler, ih ItemHandler) *Feed {
    v := new(Feed)
    v.CacheTimeout = cachetimeout
    v.EnforceCacheLimit = enforcecachelimit
    v.Type = "none"
    v.channelHandler = ch
    v.itemHandler = ih
    return v

This file is the source code for the NewDatabaseChannelHandler

However, NewDatabaseChannelHandler doesn't return a ChannelHandler, it returns a DatabaseHandler

func NewDatabaseChannelHandler(db *database, chanhandler ChannelHandler) ChannelHandler {
    database := new(databaseHandler)
    database.db = db
    database.chanhandler = chanhandler
    return database

type databaseHandler struct {
    db          *database
    itemhandler ItemHandler
    chanhandler ChannelHandler
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  • duanpuqi9965 2014-11-11 16:01

    The DatabaseHandler satisfies the ChannelHandler interface with this method:

    func (d *databaseHandler) ProcessChannels(f *Feed, ch []*Channel)

    The interface requires:

    type ChannelHandler interface {
        ProcessChannels(f *Feed, newchannels []*Channel)
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