dpmwy80068 2018-11-01 13:53
浏览 350


I am using the mgo.v2 driver with the latest version of MongoDB installed. My document structure is defined like this:

type gameTemplate struct {
ID       bson.ObjectId `bson:"_id" json:"id"`
GameCode string        `bson:"gamecode" json:"gamecode"`
Players  []player      `bson:"players" json:"players"`

type player struct {
PlayerID bson.ObjectId `bson:"playerid" json:"playerid"`
Username string        `bson:"username" json:"username"`
Level    int           `bson:"level" json:"level"`

How would I go about getting a list of usernames in a particular game (Defined by gamecode)?

Is there a way to get the size of the array and iterate through the elements, or is there a preferred method?

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  • drwo32555 2018-11-02 20:23

    you could get all player with specific game code like this:

    players := []gameTemplate{}
    err = session.DB(DBname).C(Colloctionname).Find(bson.M{}).All(&players) 

    as you defined each players has username and size of players slice is the number of username which has specific game code.

    be careful and change DBname and Colloctionname whit your Database and collection name and use session of your databse connection be
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