I use the "go-sql-driver/mysql" driver. I have a product table that has a few dependencies. So i Select the product and get dependencies that would create cartesian products in subqueries. Usually there is a 200 products limit to have a better performance but in rare cases the limit will be removed or raised to lets say 3000-5000 then then i will get the following error:
dial tcp connectex: Normalerweise darf jede Socketadresse (Protokoll, Netzwerkadresse oder Anschluss) nur jeweils einmal verwendet werden.
which basically means:
connectex: Use every Socketaddress only once.
This is a snipped from my code, basically all my query-functions are build like that:
mysql := this.DBController.Connect()
defer mysql.Close()
for rows.Next() {
err := rows.Scan(&x, &y, &z)
if err != nil {
log.Println("DBFetchMachines: Scan Error")
product.PurchasePrice = this.priceR.DBFetchPurchasePriceByProductID(product.ID)
product.SellingPrice = this.priceR.DBFetchSellingPriceByProductID(product.ID)
product.DealerContact = this.contactR.DBGetBasicContact(product.DealerContact.ID)
When i just query 200-1000 rows there is no issue. Is this maybe a OS related issue? I use Win10 64Bit as my dev machine.