dongrou839975 2015-11-09 08:18
浏览 320


I'm using glide to manage dependencies on my project. I created a script that runs go test $(glide novendor) (which tests all directories, excluding the vendor/ one) for me. While it works, the output for the run command doesn't go beyond the 1st line:

ok my/project/scripts 0.005s

Here is the portion of the script that runs it:

// Get the paths to test (excluding the "vendor/" directory)
cmd := exec.Command("glide", "novendor")
var out bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stdout = &out
err = cmd.Run()
if err != nil {
    log.Fatal("Could not run `glide novendor`: ", err)
glidenovendor := []string{"test"}
// Represents the "test ./src/... ./scripts/..." portion of the command
glidenovendor = append(glidenovendor, strings.Split(out.String(), " ")...)

// Run `go test ./src/... ./scripts/...`
cmd = exec.Command("go", glidenovendor...)
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
err = cmd.Run()
if err != nil {
    log.Fatal("Could not run `go test` command with args: ", cmd, err)

Running the command directly on my shell gives me all lines of out put as expected.

How do I make my script print the entire output?

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  • douyongdao4046 2015-11-09 08:53

    It turns out that line

    glidenovendor = append(glidenovendor, strings.Split(out.String(), " ")...)

    for some reason added a new line character " " to the last string element of the glidenovendor slice. I still have no idea why. But removing it with the snippet below got the script running as expected:

    // Remove trailing LF from strings in `glidenovendor`
    for i, v := range glidenovendor {
        glidenovendor[i] = strings.Trim(v, "
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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