I am a newbie in Golang. I am trying to retrieve a PDF file object I have inserted. I am not using GridFS, as the files that I would be storing are under 16 MB. The object has been inserted (using load_file function) and the object ID I am seeing with the MongoDB visual client is ObjectId("554f98a400afc2dd3cbfb21b").
Unfortunately the file created on disk is of 0 kb. Please advise how to correctly retrieve the inserted PDF object.
Thank you
package main
import (
type Raw struct {
Kind byte
Data []byte
type RawDocElem struct {
Name string
Value Raw
func check(err error) {
if err != nil {
func read_file_content(AFileName string) []byte {
file_contents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(AFileName)
return file_contents
func save_fetched_file(AFileName RawDocElem) {
ioutil.WriteFile("fisier.pdf", AFileName.Value.Data, 0644)
fmt.Println("FileName:", AFileName.Name)
func load_file(AFileName string, ADatabaseName string, ACollection string) {
session, err := mgo.Dial(",")
if err != nil {
defer session.Close()
session.SetMode(mgo.Monotonic, true)
c := session.DB(ADatabaseName).C(ACollection)
the_obj_to_insert := Raw{Kind: 0x00, Data: read_file_content(AFileName)}
err = c.Database.C(ACollection).Insert(&the_obj_to_insert)
func get_file(ADatabaseName string, ACollection string, The_ID string) RawDocElem {
session, err := mgo.Dial(",")
if err != nil {
defer session.Close()
session.SetMode(mgo.Monotonic, true)
c := session.DB(ADatabaseName).C(ACollection)
result := RawDocElem{}
err = c.FindId(The_ID).One(&result)
return result
func main() {
//f_name := "Shortcuts.pdf"
db_name := "teste"
the_collection := "ColectiaDeFisiere"
//load_file(f_name, db_name, the_collection)
fmt.Sprintf(`ObjectIdHex("%x")`, string("554f98a400afc2dd3cbfb21b"))
save_fetched_file(get_file(db_name, the_collection, fmt.Sprintf(`ObjectIdHex("%x")`, string("554f98a400afc2dd3cbfb21b"))))