duanchun1909 2018-05-05 05:44
浏览 77


I am trying to write a simple program that behaves like find | grep in golang. I have the program all working using goroutines using the following pattern:

goroutine (filech <- each file as found) goroutine (store files in extension based category <- grepch)

goroutine for each filech file (grepch <- if file contains string)

This all works as expected, but when presented with a large number of files, the memory just keeps growing and growing. I have looked into some of the profiling tools offered by Go, but I couldn't figure out how to find my memory leak. I can say that the memory is being used up mostly by bytes.makeSlice.

Can anyone look at the code below and see what I am doing wrong? Also, I would like to know what is wrong with my code, but I would also like to learn how to debug this on my own in the future, so if you could give detailed profiling instructions for a problem such as this, that would be greatly appreciated.

package main

import (

var (
    topDir      string
    cProf       bool
    mProf       bool
    cProfFile   *os.File
    mProfFile   *os.File
    fileNames   []string
    fileTypes   []string
    fileLists   map[string][]string
    cMatch      = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^.*\.(?:c|h|cc|cpp|c\+\+|hpp)$`)
    javaMatch   = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^.*\.(?:java|js)$`)
    goMatch     = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^.*\.(?:go)$`)
    buildMatch  = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^.*\.(?:gradle|mk|mka)$`)
    buildMatch2 = regexp.MustCompile(`^.*/(?:Makefile[^/\\]*)$`)
    regMatch    = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)(?:test|debug)`)

func init() {
    fileLists = make(map[string][]string)

func main() {
    flag.StringVar(&topDir, "d", ".", "The top level directory to process (default is current directory)")
    flag.BoolVar(&cProf, "c", false, "Include if you want to save the CPU profile")
    flag.BoolVar(&mProf, "m", false, "Include if you want to save the MEM profile")


    getFilesChan := make(chan string, 1000)
    grepFilesChan := make(chan string, 100)

    go getFileNamesOverChan(topDir, getFilesChan)

    var fileResult string

    var grepWg sync.WaitGroup
    var categorizeWg sync.WaitGroup

    fileTypes = append(fileTypes, "C", "Java", "Go", "Build", "Uncategorized")

    go func(chan string) {
        var grepResult string
        for grepResult = range grepFilesChan {
            if grepResult != "" {
                fmt.Printf("Found file %s with text
", grepResult)
                var fileType = getFileCategory(grepResult)
                fileLists[fileType] = append(fileLists[fileType], grepResult)

    for fileResult = range getFilesChan {
        if fileResult != "" {
            fileNames = append(fileNames, fileResult)
            go func(file string, ch chan string) {
                fmt.Printf("Grepping file %s
", file)
                grepOverChan(file, ch)
            }(fileResult, grepFilesChan)




    defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
    defer cProfFile.Close()

func cProfFunc() {
    if cProf {
        cProfFile, _ = os.Create("cpu_profile.pprof")
        //handle err
        _ = pprof.StartCPUProfile(cProfFile)
        //handle err


func mProfFunc() {
    if mProf {
        mProfFile, _ = os.Create("mem_profile.pprof")
        //handle err
        _ = pprof.WriteHeapProfile(mProfFile)
        //handle err
        defer mProfFile.Close()

func printSummary() {

Processed %d Files

", len(fileNames))

    fmt.Println("Found text in the following files:")

    for _, fType := range fileTypes {
        fmt.Printf("Found text in %d %s Files
", len(fileLists[fType]), fType)
        for _, fType := range fileTypes {
            if len(fileLists[fType]) > 0 {
                fmt.Printf("\t%s Files:
", fType)

            for _, fileName := range fileLists[fType] {
", fileName)

func getFileNamesOverChan(directory string, ch chan string) {
    fmt.Printf("Finding files in directory %s
", directory)
    var err error
    var dirInfo os.FileInfo

    dirInfo, err = os.Lstat(directory)
    if err != nil {

    if !dirInfo.IsDir() {

    recursiveGetFilesOverChan(directory, ch)


func recursiveGetFilesOverChan(dir string, ch chan string) {
    dirFile, _ := os.Open(dir)
    //handle err
    defer dirFile.Close()

    dirFileInfo, _ := dirFile.Readdir(0)
    //handle err

    for _, file := range dirFileInfo {
        filePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s%c%s", dir, os.PathSeparator, file.Name())
        switch mode := file.Mode(); {
        case mode.IsDir():
            //is a directory ... recurse
            recursiveGetFilesOverChan(filePath, ch)
        case mode.IsRegular():
            //is a regular file ... send it if it is not a CVS or GIT file
            if !strings.Contains(filePath, "/CVS/") && !strings.Contains(filePath, "/.git/") {
                fmt.Printf("Found File %s
", filePath)
                ch <- filePath
        case mode&os.ModeSymlink != 0:
            //is a symbolic link ... skip it
        case mode&os.ModeNamedPipe != 0:
            //is a Named Pipe ... skip it

func getFileCategory(file string) string {
    var fileType string

    switch {
    case cMatch.MatchString(file):
        fileType = "C"
    case javaMatch.MatchString(file):
        fileType = "Java"
    case goMatch.MatchString(file):
        fileType = "Go"
    case buildMatch.MatchString(file):
        fileType = "Build"
    case buildMatch2.MatchString(file):
        fileType = "Build"
        fileType = "Uncategorized"
    return fileType

func grepOverChan(f string, ch chan string) {
    fileBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(f)
    if regMatch.Match(fileBytes) {
        ch <- f
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  • duanliu8998 2018-05-07 15:25

    Based on the comments by @JimB to my question, I was able to figure out that this was not a memory leak per say, but a problem of unlimited concurrency. My original code was kicking off a grep for every file as it was encountered without limit.

    I was able to resolve this problem by limiting the number of files opened to grep at any one time. Using the example provided by http://jmoiron.net/blog/limiting-concurrency-in-go/. In this link, they create a semaphoreChannel that will only accept the limit number of messages. Write a value to this channel before opening a file, and read a value from this channel after finished searching the file. At the end wait for the semaphoreChannel to fill up again.

    Here is the working code that corresponds to my broken original code (see grepConcurrencyLimit and semaphoreChan for the relevant portions):

    package main
    import (
    var (
        topDir               string
        cProf                bool
        mProf                bool
        cProfFile            *os.File
        mProfFile            *os.File
        fileNames            []string
        fileTypes            []string
        fileLists            map[string][]string
        grepConcurrencyLimit int
        cMatch               = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^.*\.(?:c|h|cc|cpp|c\+\+|hpp)$`)
        javaMatch            = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^.*\.(?:java|js)$`)
        goMatch              = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^.*\.(?:go)$`)
        buildMatch           = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^.*\.(?:gradle|mk|mka)$`)
        buildMatch2          = regexp.MustCompile(`^.*/(?:Makefile[^/\\]*)$`)
        regMatch             = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)(?:test|debug)`)
    func init() {
        fileLists = make(map[string][]string)
    func main() {
        flag.StringVar(&topDir, "d", ".", "The top level directory to process (default is current directory)")
        flag.IntVar(&grepConcurrencyLimit, "l", 50, "The limit of number of files to grep at any one time")
        flag.BoolVar(&cProf, "c", false, "Include if you want to save the CPU profile")
        flag.BoolVar(&mProf, "m", false, "Include if you want to save the MEM profile")
        getFilesChan := make(chan string, 1000)
        grepFilesChan := make(chan string, 100)
        // This channel is to ensure that only grepConcurrencyLimit files are ever grepped at any one time
        semaphoreChan := make(chan bool, grepConcurrencyLimit)
        go getFileNamesOverChan(topDir, getFilesChan)
        var fileResult string
        var grepWg sync.WaitGroup
        var categorizeWg sync.WaitGroup
        fileTypes = append(fileTypes, "C", "Java", "Go", "Build", "Uncategorized")
        go func(chan string) {
            var grepResult string
            for grepResult = range grepFilesChan {
                if grepResult != "" {
                    fmt.Printf("Found file %s with text
    ", grepResult)
                    var fileType = getFileCategory(grepResult)
                    fileLists[fileType] = append(fileLists[fileType], grepResult)
        for fileResult = range getFilesChan {
            if fileResult != "" {
                fileNames = append(fileNames, fileResult)
                // write a boolean to semaphoreChan to take up one of the concurrency limit spots
                semaphoreChan <- true
                go func(file string, ch chan string) {
                    fmt.Printf("Grepping file %s
    ", file)
                    //run the function to read a boolean from semaphoreChan to release one of the concurrency limit spots
                    defer func() { <-semaphoreChan }()
                    grepOverChan(file, ch)
                }(fileResult, grepFilesChan)
        // refill semaphoreChan to capacity to wait until all of the final go routines have completed.
        for i := 0; i < cap(semaphoreChan); i++ {
            semaphoreChan <- true
        defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
        defer cProfFile.Close()
    func cProfFunc() {
        if cProf {
            cProfFile, _ = os.Create("cpu_profile.pprof")
            //handle err
            _ = pprof.StartCPUProfile(cProfFile)
            //handle err
    func mProfFunc() {
        if mProf {
            mProfFile, _ = os.Create("mem_profile.pprof")
            //handle err
            _ = pprof.WriteHeapProfile(mProfFile)
            //handle err
            defer mProfFile.Close()
    func printSummary() {
    Processed %d Files
    ", len(fileNames))
        fmt.Println("Found text in the following files:")
        for _, fType := range fileTypes {
            fmt.Printf("Found text in %d %s Files
    ", len(fileLists[fType]), fType)
            for _, fType := range fileTypes {
                if len(fileLists[fType]) > 0 {
                    fmt.Printf("\t%s Files:
    ", fType)
                for _, fileName := range fileLists[fType] {
    ", fileName)
    func getFileNamesOverChan(directory string, ch chan string) {
        fmt.Printf("Finding files in directory %s
    ", directory)
        var err error
        var dirInfo os.FileInfo
        dirInfo, err = os.Lstat(directory)
        if err != nil {
        if !dirInfo.IsDir() {
        recursiveGetFilesOverChan(directory, ch)
    func recursiveGetFilesOverChan(dir string, ch chan string) {
        dirFile, _ := os.Open(dir)
        //handle err
        defer dirFile.Close()
        dirFileInfo, _ := dirFile.Readdir(0)
        //handle err
        for _, file := range dirFileInfo {
            filePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s%c%s", dir, os.PathSeparator, file.Name())
            switch mode := file.Mode(); {
            case mode.IsDir():
                //is a directory ... recurse
                recursiveGetFilesOverChan(filePath, ch)
            case mode.IsRegular():
                //is a regular file ... send it if it is not a CVS or GIT file
                if !strings.Contains(filePath, "/CVS/") && !strings.Contains(filePath, "/.git/") {
                    fmt.Printf("Found File %s
    ", filePath)
                    ch <- filePath
            case mode&os.ModeSymlink != 0:
                //is a symbolic link ... skip it
            case mode&os.ModeNamedPipe != 0:
                //is a Named Pipe ... skip it
    func getFileCategory(file string) string {
        var fileType string
        switch {
        case cMatch.MatchString(file):
            fileType = "C"
        case javaMatch.MatchString(file):
            fileType = "Java"
        case goMatch.MatchString(file):
            fileType = "Go"
        case buildMatch.MatchString(file):
            fileType = "Build"
        case buildMatch2.MatchString(file):
            fileType = "Build"
            fileType = "Uncategorized"
        return fileType
    func grepOverChan(f string, ch chan string) {
        fileBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(f)
        if regMatch.Match(fileBytes) {
            ch <- f
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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