doutan1875 2016-02-02 04:22
浏览 725


ok so yes im new to golang, but not to coding, I'm a bit confused with the way functions are working with golang, in this 2 weeks I have 9 times out or 10 I had an issue it was related to funtions... I'm no lazy I have search all over for examples to inspire me, but they are all under one main() funtion. I'm trying to have a http.get in one funtion and many other functions call this funtion everytime we need to use http.get so we dont repeat code over and over.. example:(this is not the actual code)

func myfunction(site) []byte {
        resp, err := client.Get(site) // client is because Im tunneling thing on a proxy TOR and had to create some helpers.. but this is working ok.

        return resp

func magic(staff) string {
        // do things and create websiteurl with staff and onther contants
        site := myfunction(website)
        contents, err := html.Parse(site.Body)
        return  result

main() {

        //... stuff happens :)

well the error is for example because I keep changing things around and getting different errors. or not at all.. but then no result..

cannot use resp.Body (type io.ReadCloser) as type []byte in return argument ./gobot.go:71: cannot use site (type []byte) as type io.Reader in argument to html.Parse:

when I do not get an error that is how I did it the first time the Site.Body will do nothing when parsing... I put a couple of debug prints to STDOUT and I had results like two sequence of numbers.

so basically how do I return a "result" of my query from one function to the original so it can then be parse and used? I hate to repeat code so trying to keep the repetitive code in one function and have it get it call when needed it.


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  • dpo15099 2016-02-02 04:49

    myfunction has the wrong return type. Instead of []byte it should return *http.Response.

    func myfunction(site string) *http.Response {
            resp, err := client.Get(site) 
            if err != nil {
            return resp
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