dsgffz2579 2014-07-16 09:27
浏览 1100


I am writing a test where I want to compare the result of json.Marshal with a static json string:

var json = []byte(`{
    "foo": "bar"

As the result of json.Marshal does not have any , \t and spaces I thought I could easily do:

bytes.Trim(json, " 

to remove all of these characters. However unfortunately this does not work. I could write a custom trim function and use bytes.TrimFunc but this seems to complicated to me.

What else could I do to have a json string "compressed" with as less code as possible?

Best, Bo

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  • dsajkdadsa14222 2014-07-16 09:44

    Using any trimming or replace function will not work in case there are spaces inside JSON strings. You would break the data, for example if you have something like {"foo": "bar baz"}.

    Just use json.Compact.

    This does exactly what you need, except that it outputs to a bytes.Buffer.

    var json_bytes = []byte(`{
        "foo": "bar"
    buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
    if err := json.Compact(buffer, json_bytes); err != nil {

    See http://play.golang.org/p/0JMCyLk4Sg for a live example.

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