I'm using goroutines in my project and I want to to assign the values to the struct fields but I don't know that how I will assign the values get by using mongodb quires to the struct fields I'm showing my struct and the query too.
type AppLoadNew struct{
StripeTestKey string `json:"stripe_test_key" bson:"stripe_test_key,omitempty"`
Locations []Locations `json:"location" bson:"location,omitempty"`
type Locations struct{
Id int `json:"_id" bson:"_id"`
Location string `json:"location" bson:"location"`
func GoRoutine(){
values := AppLoadNew{}
go func() {
data, err := GetStripeTestKey(bson.M{"is_default": true})
if err == nil {
values.StripeTestKey := data.TestStripePublishKey
go func() {
location, err := GetFormLocation(bson.M{"is_default": true})
if err == nil {
values.Locations := location
fmt.Println(values) // Here it will nothing
// empty
Can you please help me that I will assign all the values to the AppLoadNew