Trying to find how to have this hexa string "58068906d6194c6cbda7a6df" into it's base 10 representation.
I tried with this:
i, err := strconv.Parse("58068906d6194c6cbda7a6df", 16, 64)
Obviously I'm getting this error: parsing "58068906d6194c6cbda7a6df"; value out of range
I also need to take the base 10 string representation and get this hexa value back after some processing. i.e.:
base10 := "58068906d6194c6cbda7a6df" => to base 10 string
some processing
hexa := base10 => to base 16 string
Can I use the fmt
package to dislpay the base 10? I know that displaying the hexa of a base 10 I could use %x, but what can I do with an existing string?
Thanks for your help, for a reason I cannot understand, I'm unable to find any way to do this.