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<p class="mb0 mt6">Closed <span title="2014-07-14 14:44:09Z" class="relativetime">5 years ago</span>.</p>
I know nothing about ajax, and need to get started. As I am using PHP / CodeIgniter I quickly ran into some confusion about the responsibilities of CodeIgniter vs ajax.
Then I came across this: http://sourceforge.net/projects/cjax/files/CodeIgnater/
It sounds promising, but I'm a little wary... the framework doesn't just install like the instructions say, (files are missing, folder structures are different) it has a million references to Codeignater, not CodeIgniter, etc.
Now, I'm not the first to pick up these issues, but .... I just don't know. There is a version specifically for CodeIgniter... but surely the claimed level of effort that this code has invested in it, would address these sorts of basic issues?
I'm not saying that it isn't good... I'm just in no position to evaluate it (yet) ?
Is it actually useful, or would I be better off just using ajax directly?