weixin_33691817 2017-04-27 02:28 采纳率: 0%
浏览 31


Im trying to use session in my file called response.php,but I face some problem to do it.

This is table.php(pass some data to response.php):

function ajaxAction(action) 
            data = $("#frm_"+action).serializeArray();
              type: "POST",  
              url: "response.php",  
              data: data ,
              dataType: "json",       
              success: function(response)  



$db = new dbObj();
$connString =  $db->getConnstring();
$params = $_REQUEST;

    function getRecords($params) {
    // getting total number records without any search
    $tid = $_SESSION['tmid'];
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM `cusinfo` where AGENT_CODE_STAFF_ID = $tid ";
    $sqlTot .= $sql;
    $sqlRec .= $sql;

    //concatenate search sql if value exist
    if(isset($where) && $where != '') 
        $sqlTot .= $where;
        $sqlRec .= $where;
    if ($rp!=-1)
    $sqlRec .= " LIMIT ". $start_from .",".$rp;

    $qtot = mysqli_query($this->conn, $sqlTot) or die("error to fetch tot customer data");
    $queryRecords = mysqli_query($this->conn, $sqlRec) or die("error to fetch customer data");

    while( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($queryRecords) ) 
        $data[] = $row;
$json_data = array(
        "current"       => intval($params['current']), 
        "rowCount"      => 10,          
        "total"         => intval($qtot->num_rows),
        "rows"          => $data   // total data array

    return $json_data;

Now the session no working,may I know which code should I change?And how to use session in ajax.Thank for advanced

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