weixin_33747129 2014-04-06 01:10 采纳率: 0%
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I am a new user of rails and web languages in general and I am trying to understand the method calling functioning. A method in my controller:

def azer
 @test = User.first
 def incr()
  @test.nbr_set = @test.nbr_set+1

The route : get "test/azer"

azer.html.erb :

<%= @test.username %></br>
<%= @test.nbr_set %></br>

When I refresh the page, nbr_set is increasing but I don't want to do that with this way.

In a first time, how can I define a route that will call my incr() method? Because now, the incr() method is automatically called and it's a problem.

Then, is it possible to make an ajax button who will increase nbr_set without refreshing the page? How can i make it?

Finally, I am trying to learn ajax with ruby but it's difficult and I don't understand how I can load a html.erb file who while update my database without refreshing my page.

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  • weixin_33724046 2014-04-06 01:36

    First of all, the incr method will be redefined every time you call azer, because Ruby doesn't support nested methods per se.

    To increment the count on a user, you would do:

    # routes.rb
    resources :users do
        member do
           put :increment_nbr
    # users_controller
    respond_to :html, :json
    def increment_nbr
        @user = User.find(params[:id])
        @user.increment! :nbr_set
        render json: { nbr: @user.nbr_set }.to_json
    # html
    <%= @user.nbr_set %>
    <%= link_to "Increment", increment_nbr_user_path(@user), data-increment %>
    # js
    $("[data-increment]").on("click", function(e) {
       $link = $(this)
         url: $link.attr("href"),
         dataType: "json",
         type: "PUT",
         success: function(data) {
           # data.nbr will be your new count
           # figure out a way to update the value in the dom here



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