weixin_33744141 2013-11-06 04:41 采纳率: 0%
浏览 29


I am trying to accomplish the following on the page "videos.php" (note, this is all inside of a PHP echo):

  1. User clicks .star_' . $pvid_ID . ' which submits a video rating to a form (this is working properly)
  2. Now, I need to refresh the div that displays the current video rating to show the updated video rating, which is stored in the variable $avg_rating (grabbed from the DB in an earlier query on videos.php).
  3. To update the variable $avg_rating, I want to POST the id of the video to find_ratings2.php (that video ID is currently stored on "videos.php" as $pvid_ID)

Here is what I have as my jquery/ajax on "videos.php":

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
   $(".star_' . $pvid_ID . '").click(function() {
           type: "POST",
           url: \'/dev/scripts/find_ratings2.php\',
           data: { videoid: ' . $pvid_ID . ' },
           success: function(data) {
               $(".parent_video_' . $pvid_ID . '").load(\'testratings.php .vid_frame_id_' . $pvid_ID . '\').hide().fadeIn(2000);

then, on find_ratings2.php I've got:


$video_id = $_POST['videoid'];
$mysqlicon3 = mysqli_connect($db_host, $db_username, $db_password, $db_name);
$find_rating = mysqli_query($mysqlicon3, "SELECT AVG(rating) AS avgRating FROM videoRatings WHERE videoID = '$video_id'");

while ($rating_row = mysqli_fetch_array($find_rating)) {
    $avg_rating = $rating_row['avgRating'];

When .star_' . $pvid_ID . ' is clicked, the div is being refreshed properly (the .hide() and .fadeIn() are also working), but $avg_rating is not being updated.

For reference, $avg_rating is on "videos.php" like this:

<div class="parent_video_' . $pvid_ID . '">
    <div class="comment_iconimg-stars vid_frame_id_' . $pvid_ID . '">
        <div class="video-stars"><input class="imgstar star_' . $pvid_ID . '" type="image" src="';
        if ($avg_rating > 0){echo '/dev/images/rate_video_icon_yellow.png';} else{echo '/dev/images/rate_video_icon.png';}
        echo '" border="0" /></div>
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  • weixin_33743880 2013-11-06 05:10

    While multiple problems found in your code apart from echo html/js from php as @MatRt indicate. Still one problem why $avg_rating variable not updated because $avg_rating variable takes its inital value since page load not from ajax request. You need to update this from javascript something like that.

    if(data > 0)
        $("video-stars input.imgstar").attr('src', '/dev/images/rate_video_icon_yellow.png');   
        $("video-stars input.imgstar").attr('src','/dev/images//dev/images/rate_video_icon.png');   

    Also echo $avg_rating in find_ratings2.php in last.




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