weixin_33714884 2016-07-26 20:00 采纳率: 0%
浏览 31


I made a javascript function to find a word in html component and replace it with another word. However, it could do was to insert a button that when clicked invoke the function to replace the words.

I wonder if anyone knows of a way to do this in "run-time" in the case, when you type a word that should be replaced, it be replaced without having to click the button.

Follows the code to find and replace the words:

var texto = document.getElementById("cadastroLaudo:transcript").value;
var novoParagrafo = texto.replace(/novo paragrafo/g, '

document.getElementById('cadastroLaudo:transcript').value = novoParagrafo;

My HTML component that will receive the substitution of the word to be found (code below):

<p:inputTextarea id="transcript" name="transcript" rows="8"
        cols="60" placeholder="Ditado para Geração de Laudo Médico"
        value="#{laudoBean.laudo.texto}" />

And the button that calls the javascript function:

<p:commandButton onclick="formatarTextoLaudo()" value="Formatar" />

In summary, the component is a text box when you type "novo paragrafo" is inserted Enter and the word "novo paragrafo" disappears.

It would be something with Ajax?


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  • weixin_33736048 2016-07-26 20:02

    I would detect when user press space, then check if the word needs to be replaced

       if(e.keyCode == 32){
           // user has pressed space
           //change word function           



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