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在Edx上有个网课叫How to code: Complex Data,在做最后一个课设的时侯。

;  In UBC's version of How to Code, there are often more than 800 students taking 
;  the course in any given semester, meaning there are often over 40 Teaching Assistants. 
;  Designing a schedule for them by hand is hard work - luckily we've learned enough now to write 
;  a program to do it for us! 
;  Below are some data definitions for a simplified version of a TA schedule. There are some 
;  number of slots that must be filled, each represented by a natural number. Each TA is 
;  available for some of these slots, and has a maximum number of shifts they can work. 
;  Design a search program that consumes a list of TAs and a list of Slots, and produces one
;  valid schedule where each Slot is assigned to a TA, and no TA is working more than their 
;  maximum shifts. If no such schedules exist, produce false. 
;  You should supplement the given check-expects and remember to follow the recipe!

;; Slot is Natural
;; interp. each TA slot has a number, is the same length, and none overlap

(define-struct ta (name max avail))
;; TA is (make-ta String Natural (listof Slot))
;; interp. the TA's name, number of slots they can work, and slots they're available for

(define SOBA (make-ta "Soba" 2 (list 1 3)))
(define UDON (make-ta "Udon" 1 (list 3 4)))
(define RAMEN (make-ta "Ramen" 1 (list 2)))

(define NOODLE-TAs (list SOBA UDON RAMEN))

(define-struct assignment (ta slot))
;; Assignment is (make-assignment TA Slot)
;; interp. the TA is assigned to work the slot

;; Schedule is (listof Assignment)

;; ============================= FUNCTIONS

;; (listof TA) (listof Slot) -> Schedule or false
;; produce valid schedule given TAs and Slots; false if impossible

(check-expect (schedule-tas empty empty) empty)
(check-expect (schedule-tas empty (list 1 2)) false)
(check-expect (schedule-tas (list SOBA) empty) empty)

(check-expect (schedule-tas (list SOBA) (list 1)) (list (make-assignment SOBA 1)))
(check-expect (schedule-tas (list SOBA) (list 2)) false)
(check-expect (schedule-tas (list SOBA) (list 1 3)) (list (make-assignment SOBA 3)
                                                          (make-assignment SOBA 1)))

(check-expect (schedule-tas NOODLE-TAs (list 1 2 3 4)) 
               (make-assignment UDON 4)
               (make-assignment SOBA 3)
               (make-assignment RAMEN 2)
               (make-assignment SOBA 1)))

(check-expect (schedule-tas NOODLE-TAs (list 1 2 3 4 5)) false)

;(define (schedule-tas tas slots) empty) ;stub

(define (schedule-tas tas slots)
  (local [(define-struct slot (loc status))
          ;; slot is (make-slot number false|ta)
          ;; number is the slot location in list of slot
          ;; if the status is ta, means the slot is taken care of by that ta
          ;; if the status is false, means the slot don't have ta
          (define-struct shifts (t n))
          ;; shifts is the ta's current shifts
          ;; t is ta, n is the current shifts occupied

          (define (initialize-slots slots)
            (cond [(empty? slots) empty]
                  [else (cons (make-slot (first slots) false) (initialize-slots (rest slots)))]))

          (define (initialize-sh tas)
            (cond [(empty? tas) empty]
                  [else (cons (make-shifts (first tas) 0) (initialize-sh (rest tas)))]))

          (define los (initialize-slots slots))
          ;; los is listof slot

          (define losh (initialize-sh tas))
          ;; losh is listof shifts

          ;; rsf is lisfof slot; result so far
          (define (fn-for-los los losh rsf)
            (cond [(empty? los) rsf]
                  [(shift-avail? (filter-out losh (slot-loc (first los)) empty))
                   (if (check-status? (first los))
                       (fn-for-los (rest los) losh (cons (first los) rsf))
                       (fn-for-los (rest los) (update-shift losh (slot-loc (first los)) empty) (cons (fill-in (first los) losh) rsf)))]
                   (fn-for-los (rest los) losh (cons (first los) rsf))]))
          (define (check-status? s)
            (if (false? (slot-status s))
          (define (filter-out losh loc rsf)
            (cond [(empty? losh) rsf]
                   (if (member loc (ta-avail (shifts-t (first losh))))
                       (filter-out (rest losh) loc (cons (first losh) rsf))
                       (filter-out (rest losh) loc rsf))]))
          (define (shift-avail? losh)
            (cond [(empty? losh) false]
                   (if (< (shifts-n (first losh)) (ta-max (shifts-t (first losh))))
                       (shift-avail? (rest losh)))]))
          (define (update-shift losh loc rsf)
            (cond [(empty? losh) rsf]
                   (if (available? (first losh) loc)
                       (append (cons (make-shifts (shifts-t (first losh)) (add1 (shifts-n (first losh)))) rsf) (rest losh))
                       (update-shift (rest losh) loc rsf))]))
          (define (available? sh loc)
            (if (member loc (ta-avail (shifts-t sh)))
                (< (shifts-n sh) (ta-max (shifts-t sh)))
          (define (fill-in s losh)
            (cond [(empty? losh) (error "something went wrong")]
                   (if (available? (first losh) (slot-loc s))
                       (make-slot (slot-loc s) (shifts-t (first losh)))
                       (fill-in s (rest losh)))]))
          (define (full? loas)
            (cond [(empty? loas) true]
                   (if (false? (slot-status (first loas)))
                       (full? (rest loas)))]))
          (define (make los)
            (cond [(empty? los) empty]
                   (cons (make-assignment (slot-status (first los)) (slot-loc (first los))) (make (rest los)))]))]
    (if (full? (fn-for-los los losh empty))
        (make (fn-for-los los losh empty))

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  • zqbnqsdsmd 2020-08-18 08:02



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