weixin_33727510 2014-07-22 09:10 采纳率: 0%
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I know several similar questions have been posted related to dependent drop down lists, but I can't quite find the answer I'm looking for - apologies if it's already been covered!

What I'm trying to do is this: I'm building a webpage which will have two related drop down lists; the second's values being dependent on the first's selection. The first is a "Product", the second is a "Size"... so far, so good. The options included in each list ultimately come from a database - Products list is as follows:

<select id="product-list">
    <option value="0">-- Please Select --</option>
        if ($res2 = mysqli_query($con,$getproducts)) {
            while($row2 = mysqli_fetch_row($res2)){
                $pid= $row2[0];
                $pname= $row2[1];
                echo "<option value='" . $pid . "'>" . $pname . "</option>";

This one works just fine so no problems there. However, I'm struggling to get my head around the second list...

The query which retrieves the Sizes is this:

$getsizes = "SELECT productid,displayname,price from productsizelookup where formatid = $formatid";

I only have two products (for now), so this query will retrieve all possible sizes, so what I now need is a subset of records from this query based on the product id being supplied by the value of the option in the first select list.

I don't know if this will require another query to the database, and I've read somewhere that I might need AJAX. Is anyone able to assist, or perhaps provide a gentle nudge in the right direction?


I tried adding a div block as follows where I wanted the drop down to appear:

<div id="wrap_size"></div>

Then at the bottom of the page added the following script:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).on('change', '#product-list', function(e) {
        var pid = $(this).val();
        var data = {'pid':pid};
        var url = 'size.php';
        $.post(url, data, function(res) {

And finally, my size.php file:



if (mysqli_connect_errno()){
    echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();

$pid = !empty($_POST["pid"]) ? $_POST["pid"] : 0;

$getsizes = "SELECT productid,displayname,price from productsizelookup where formatid = $formatid and productid = $pid";

echo '<select id="size-list">';
echo '<option>-- Please Select --</option>';

if ($res3 = mysqli_query($con,$getsizes)) {
    while($row3 = mysqli_fetch_row($res3)){
        $sid= $row3[0];
        $pid= $row3[1];
        $size= $row3[2];
        $price= $row3[3];
        echo '<option value="'.$sid.'">'.$size.'</option>';
echo '</select>';

The only option I now get in the list is the "-- Please Select --" option... Sorry if I'm way off course with this!!

Many thanks

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  • 乱世@小熊 2014-07-22 09:24

    Briefly, how I would do this:

    I check the onChange event of the first select list using jQuery.

    $(document).on('change', '#product-list', function(e) { ... });

    I get the selected value and pass this as data via a jquery AJAX call to a server-side script.

    var pid = $(this).val();
    var data = {'pid':pid};
    var url = 'select_size.php';
    $.post(url, data, function(res) {

    The script uses the selected value to make a SQL call to get the option values for the second select list.

    $pid = !empty($_POST["pid"]) ? $_POST["pid"] : 0;


    The script then constructs and echos the HTML for this second select list.

    This result of the AJAX call is then written into a container div '#wrap_size' where the second select list should appear.


    If $formatid is created in the calling page and used in the size.php script, it needs to get passed through just like pid.

    Change your javascript to this:

    var data = {'pid':pid, 'formatid':<?php $formatid; ?>};

    Or create a hidden input whose value is $formatid, and read that value: var formatid = $('input:hidden[name=formatid]').val(); var data = {pid:pid, formatid:formatid};

    Of course, you also have to read its value in your script:

    $formatid = !empty($_POST["formatid"]) ? $_POST["formatid"] : 0;



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