weixin_33749242 2015-11-10 13:41 采纳率: 0%
浏览 38


I've encountered some days ago the following Problem: I have a Page.class with 2 panels. Panel 1 for example gets a click on a Datatable.

protected void onRowClick(final AjaxRequestTarget target, final Item<Template> item) {
    this.send(this.getPage(), Broadcast.BREADTH, new CustomAjaxEvent(target));


Custom Ajax Event is holding the RequestTarget, and will be used later to identify the triggered event in another panel.

Now in my second panel I've the following method:

public void onEvent(IEvent<?> event) {
    Object payload = event.getPayload();

    if(payload instanceof CustomAjaxEvent){

Now I'm going to test this stuff.. (following code is in testClass)

     new CustomAjaxEvent(RequestCycle.get().find(AjaxRequestTarget.class)));

Nullpointer exception occurs on "target.add(this)" from codeblock 2

Of course it is null.. There is no request.

The question is how can I trigger the second codeblock? Access to panel 1 is not given, because I test panel 2 only. Which implies, that I can't click a row in the dataTable and let panel 1 trigger the event.

EDIT: I'm using wicket 6.18

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  • weixin_33727510 2015-11-11 20:49

    I guess it exist another answer, but in this case it helped me enough:

    I created an AjaxRequestTarget mock and send the event. I verify that this method get called. ajaxMockTarget.add(component)




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