??yy 2016-05-11 07:21 采纳率: 0%
浏览 123


I am trying to fix this problem, can anyone suggest me what is occurring this ? http://ls3b.ch/

These are the links, which opens in same window

This website is build in wordpress, there are some links here which opens in the same page but opening in the new tab will return only these contents, http://ls3b.ch/work/mr16-gu5-3/

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  • weixin_33728708 2016-05-11 09:43

    Before I answer the question, I noticed that your hierarchy is a bit out, if your using custom post types, you will probably need to do some rewrites to fix that up so your SEO isn't effected too much.

    As for your problem about the links, I clicked on every link I could find and couldn't get to the page you linked to as being the problem. It might just be stored in your cache and needing to be cleared.

