Well. This is complicated, so I'll explain it the best I can.
What Works: If you visit https://goatthroat.com, you will see a Gravity Forms form on the homepage with the heading "Find the Right Pump." Here is how this form works:
- 1. I have uploaded a CSV that is a table of ALL of these chemicals and their pump compatibility (see https://www.goatthroat.com/support/complete-chemical-liquid-compatibility-guide/ -- which is a table also generated by this CSV)
- The dropdown menu on this FIND THE RIGHT PUMP form is automatically populated from that CSV
- The user enters the info as prompted, and it generates a query string to return the appropriate results (i.e. https://www.goatthroat.com/pump-recommendation/?chem=3M+Adhesion+Promoter+4298UV)
Goal: On another form on another page (https://goatthroat.com/quote-request), there is ANOTHER dropdown with the same list of chemicals.
I would like to be able to incorporate their search results IN THE FORM. In other words (and I know this may seem unclear): fetch, using ajax I assume, the results of this form search LIVE and include them in the form submission.
This is a bit more technical than I usually get, so any help is much appreciated.