joneson118 2020-07-07 16:56 采纳率: 0%
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采用live555,RTSP方式获取摄像机的视频流 错误断点停留在SingleStep()中internalError();

采用live555,RTSP方式获取摄像机的视频流,我的客户端软件在多个摄像机中进行轮巡播放中,产生异常在BasicTaskScheduler::SingleStep(): select() fails。执行函数internalError(); 附图。 不知道是什么原因导致的?请大虾解惑。

void BasicTaskScheduler::SingleStep(unsigned maxDelayTime) {
  fd_set readSet = fReadSet; // make a copy for this select() call
  fd_set writeSet = fWriteSet; // ditto
  fd_set exceptionSet = fExceptionSet; // ditto

  DelayInterval const& timeToDelay = fDelayQueue.timeToNextAlarm();
  struct timeval tv_timeToDelay;
  tv_timeToDelay.tv_sec = timeToDelay.seconds();
  tv_timeToDelay.tv_usec = timeToDelay.useconds();
  // Very large "tv_sec" values cause select() to fail.
  // Don't make it any larger than 1 million seconds (11.5 days)
  const long MAX_TV_SEC = MILLION;
  if (tv_timeToDelay.tv_sec > MAX_TV_SEC) {
    tv_timeToDelay.tv_sec = MAX_TV_SEC;
  // Also check our "maxDelayTime" parameter (if it's > 0):
  if (maxDelayTime > 0 &&
      (tv_timeToDelay.tv_sec > (long)maxDelayTime/MILLION ||
       (tv_timeToDelay.tv_sec == (long)maxDelayTime/MILLION &&
    tv_timeToDelay.tv_usec > (long)maxDelayTime%MILLION))) {
    tv_timeToDelay.tv_sec = maxDelayTime/MILLION;
    tv_timeToDelay.tv_usec = maxDelayTime%MILLION;

  int selectResult = select(fMaxNumSockets, &readSet, &writeSet, &exceptionSet, &tv_timeToDelay);
  if (selectResult < 0) {
#if defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_WIN32)
    int err = WSAGetLastError();
    // For some unknown reason, select() in Windoze sometimes fails with WSAEINVAL if
    // it was called with no entries set in "readSet".  If this happens, ignore it:
    if (err == WSAEINVAL && readSet.fd_count == 0) {
      err = EINTR;
      // To stop this from happening again, create a dummy socket:
      if (fDummySocketNum >= 0) closeSocket(fDummySocketNum);
      fDummySocketNum = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
      FD_SET((unsigned)fDummySocketNum, &fReadSet);
    if (err != EINTR) {
    if (errno != EINTR && errno != EAGAIN) {
    // Unexpected error - treat this as fatal:
#if !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
    perror("BasicTaskScheduler::SingleStep(): select() fails");
    // Because this failure is often "Bad file descriptor" - which is caused by an invalid socket number (i.e., a socket number
    // that had already been closed) being used in "select()" - we print out the sockets that were being used in "select()",
    // to assist in debugging:
    fprintf(stderr, "socket numbers used in the select() call:");
    for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
      if (FD_ISSET(i, &fReadSet) || FD_ISSET(i, &fWriteSet) || FD_ISSET(i, &fExceptionSet)) {
        fprintf(stderr, " %d(", i);
        if (FD_ISSET(i, &fReadSet)) fprintf(stderr, "r");
        if (FD_ISSET(i, &fWriteSet)) fprintf(stderr, "w");
        if (FD_ISSET(i, &fExceptionSet)) fprintf(stderr, "e");
        fprintf(stderr, ")");
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");

  // Call the handler function for one readable socket:
  HandlerIterator iter(*fHandlers);
  HandlerDescriptor* handler;
  // To ensure forward progress through the handlers, begin past the last
  // socket number that we handled:
  if (fLastHandledSocketNum >= 0) {
    while ((handler = != NULL) {
      if (handler->socketNum == fLastHandledSocketNum) break;
    if (handler == NULL) {
      fLastHandledSocketNum = -1;
      iter.reset(); // start from the beginning instead
  while ((handler = != NULL) {
    int sock = handler->socketNum; // alias
    int resultConditionSet = 0;
    if (FD_ISSET(sock, &readSet) && FD_ISSET(sock, &fReadSet)/*sanity check*/) resultConditionSet |= SOCKET_READABLE;
    if (FD_ISSET(sock, &writeSet) && FD_ISSET(sock, &fWriteSet)/*sanity check*/) resultConditionSet |= SOCKET_WRITABLE;
    if (FD_ISSET(sock, &exceptionSet) && FD_ISSET(sock, &fExceptionSet)/*sanity check*/) resultConditionSet |= SOCKET_EXCEPTION;
    if ((resultConditionSet&handler->conditionSet) != 0 && handler->handlerProc != NULL) {
      fLastHandledSocketNum = sock;
          // Note: we set "fLastHandledSocketNum" before calling the handler,
          // in case the handler calls "doEventLoop()" reentrantly.
      (*handler->handlerProc)(handler->clientData, resultConditionSet);
  if (handler == NULL && fLastHandledSocketNum >= 0) {
    // We didn't call a handler, but we didn't get to check all of them,
    // so try again from the beginning:
    while ((handler = != NULL) {
      int sock = handler->socketNum; // alias
      int resultConditionSet = 0;
      if (FD_ISSET(sock, &readSet) && FD_ISSET(sock, &fReadSet)/*sanity check*/) resultConditionSet |= SOCKET_READABLE;
      if (FD_ISSET(sock, &writeSet) && FD_ISSET(sock, &fWriteSet)/*sanity check*/) resultConditionSet |= SOCKET_WRITABLE;
      if (FD_ISSET(sock, &exceptionSet) && FD_ISSET(sock, &fExceptionSet)/*sanity check*/) resultConditionSet |= SOCKET_EXCEPTION;
      if ((resultConditionSet&handler->conditionSet) != 0 && handler->handlerProc != NULL) {
    fLastHandledSocketNum = sock;
        // Note: we set "fLastHandledSocketNum" before calling the handler,
            // in case the handler calls "doEventLoop()" reentrantly.
    (*handler->handlerProc)(handler->clientData, resultConditionSet);
    if (handler == NULL) fLastHandledSocketNum = -1;//because we didn't call a handler

  // Also handle any newly-triggered event (Note that we do this *after* calling a socket handler,
  // in case the triggered event handler modifies The set of readable sockets.)
  if (fTriggersAwaitingHandling != 0) {
    if (fTriggersAwaitingHandling == fLastUsedTriggerMask) {
      // Common-case optimization for a single event trigger:
      fTriggersAwaitingHandling &=~ fLastUsedTriggerMask;
      if (fTriggeredEventHandlers[fLastUsedTriggerNum] != NULL) {
    } else {
      // Look for an event trigger that needs handling (making sure that we make forward progress through all possible triggers):
      unsigned i = fLastUsedTriggerNum;
      EventTriggerId mask = fLastUsedTriggerMask;

      do {
    mask >>= 1;
    if (mask == 0) mask = 0x80000000;

    if ((fTriggersAwaitingHandling&mask) != 0) {
      fTriggersAwaitingHandling &=~ mask;
      if (fTriggeredEventHandlers[i] != NULL) {

      fLastUsedTriggerMask = mask;
      fLastUsedTriggerNum = i;
      } while (i != fLastUsedTriggerNum);

  // Also handle any delayed event that may have come due.


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  • dabocaiqq 2020-08-02 12:38



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