ffifeng 2015-05-21 07:37 采纳率: 0%
浏览 1678

jqplot 如何实现绿涨红跌的效果

本人正在使用jqplot 制作金融行情图,想实现‘绿涨红跌’的效果,但是jqplot 文档里翻了好几遍只能更改全部蜡烛图的颜色,无法根据涨跌情况进行变化,不知道哪位大神能够给予指导。以下是jqplot 的配置代码。

  var plot2 = $.jqplot('chart2',[ohlc],{http://ask.csdn.net/#
    axes: {
      xaxis: {
        min: "16:20:00",
        max: "16:59:00",
        tickInterval: "5 minutes",
      y2axis: {
    // To make a candle stick chart, set the "candleStick" option to true.
    series: [
        color: '#33AA11',
        rendererOptions:{ candleStick:true }
    grid: {
        drawGridLines: true, // wether to draw lines across the grid or not.
        gridLineColor: '#33AA11', //设置整个图标区域网格背景线的颜色
        background: '#fffdf6', //设置整个图标区域的背景色
        borderColor: '#999999', //设置图表的(最外侧)边框的颜色
        borderWidth: 2.0, //设置图表的(最外侧)边框宽度
    highlighter: {
      show: true,
      tooltipAxes: 'xy',
      yvalues: 4,
      formatString:'<table class="jqplot-highlighter"> \
      <tr><td>时间:</td><td>%s</td></tr> \
      <tr><td>开盘:</td><td>%s</td></tr> \
      <tr><td>最高:</td><td>%s</td></tr> \
      <tr><td>最低:</td><td>%s</td></tr> \

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1条回答 默认 最新

  • ffifeng 2015-05-21 07:41


    ohlc = [
    ['16:01:00', 135.01, 139.5, 134.53, 139.48],
    ['16:02:00', 143.82, 144.56, 136.04, 136.97],
    ['16:03:00', 136.47, 146.4, 136, 144.67],
    ['16:04:00', 124.76, 135.9, 124.55, 135.81],
    ['16:05:00', 123.73, 129.31, 121.57, 122.5],
    ['16:06:00', 127.37, 130.96, 119.38, 122.42],
    ['16:07:00', 128.24, 133.5, 126.26, 129.19],
    ['16:08:00', 122.9, 127.95, 122.66, 127.24],
    ['16:09:00', 121.73, 127.2, 118.6, 123.9],
    ['16:10:00', 120.01, 124.25, 115.76, 123.42],
    ['16:11:00', 114.94, 120, 113.28, 119.57],
    ['16:12:00', 104.51, 116.13, 102.61, 115.99],
    ['16:13:00', 102.71, 109.98, 101.75, 106.85],
    ['16:14:00', 96.53, 103.48, 94.18, 101.59],
    ['16:15:00', 84.18, 97.2, 82.57, 95.93],
    ['16:16:00', 88.12, 92.77, 82.33, 85.3],
    ['16:17:00', 91.65, 92.92, 86.51, 89.31],
    ['16:18:00', 96.87, 97.04, 89, 91.2],
    ['16:19:00', 100, 103, 95.77, 99.16],
    ['16:20:00', 89.1, 100, 88.9, 99.72],
    ['16:21:00', 88.86, 95, 88.3, 90.13],
    ['16:22:00', 81.93, 90, 78.2, 88.36],
    ['16:23:00', 83.46, 90.99, 80.05, 82.33],
    ['16:24:00', 93.17, 97.17, 90.04, 90.58],
    ['16:25:00', 86.52, 91.04, 84.72, 90.75],
    ['16:26:00', 90.02, 90.03, 84.55, 85.81],
    ['16:27:00', 95.99, 96.48, 88.02, 90],
    ['16:28:00', 97.28, 103.6, 92.53, 98.27],
    ['16:29:00', 91.3, 96.23, 86.5, 94],
    ['16:30:00', 85.21, 95.25, 84.84, 92.67],
    ['16:31:00', 88.48, 91.58, 79.14, 82.58],
    ['16:32:00', 100.17, 100.4, 86.02, 90.24],
    ['16:33:00', 105.93, 111.79, 95.72, 98.24],
    ['16:34:00', 95.07, 112.19, 91.86, 107.59],
    ['16:35:00', 99.78, 101.25, 90.11, 96.38],
    ['16:36:00', 104.55, 116.4, 85.89, 97.4],
    ['16:37:00', 91.96, 101.5, 85, 96.8],
    ['16:38:00', 119.62, 119.68, 94.65, 97.07],
    ['16:39:00', 139.94, 140.25, 123, 128.24],
    ['16:40:00', 142.03, 147.69, 120.68, 140.91],
    ['16:41:00', 81.93, 90, 78.2, 88.36],
    ['16:42:00', 90.46, 90.99, 80.05, 82.33],
    ['16:43:00', 93.17, 97.17, 90.04, 90.58],
    ['16:44:00', 86.52, 91.04, 84.72, 90.75],
    ['16:45:00', 90.02, 90.03, 84.55, 85.81],
    ['16:46:00', 95.99, 96.48, 88.02, 90],
    ['16:47:00', 97.28, 103.6, 92.53, 98.27],
    ['16:48:00', 91.3, 96.23, 86.5, 94],
    ['16:49:00', 85.21, 95.25, 84.84, 92.67],
    ['16:50:00', 88.48, 91.58, 79.14, 82.58],    
    ['16:51:00', 100.17, 100.4, 86.02, 90.24],
    ['16:52:00', 105.93, 111.79, 95.72, 98.24],
    ['16:53:00', 95.07, 112.19, 91.86, 107.59],
    ['16:54:00', 99.78, 101.25, 90.11, 96.38],
    ['16:55:00', 104.55, 116.4, 85.89, 97.4],
    ['16:56:00', 91.96, 101.5, 85, 96.8],
    ['16:57:00', 119.62, 119.68, 94.65, 97.07],
    ['16:58:00', 139.94, 140.25, 123, 128.24],
    ['16:59:00', 142.03, 147.69, 120.68, 140.91]


      <div id="main">
    <div class="jqplot-target" id="chart2" style="height: 200px; width: 420px; margin:80px; position: relative;">
    <div style="position: absolute; display: none;" class="jqplot-highlighter-tooltip"></div>



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