android studio错误提示:
Unable to establish a connection to adb.
This usually happens if you have an incompatible version of adb running already.
Try re-opening Studio after killing any existing adb daemons.
If this happens repeatedly, please file a bug at including the following:
1. Output of the command: 'D:\Program Files\Android\Android\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe devices'
2. Your idea.log file (Help | Show Log in Explorer)
android studio中使用第三方模拟器Genymotion,新建项目编译不成功
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- penghuster 2015-10-27 09:05关注
由于使用第三方模拟器Genymotion所指定的SDK路径与android studio所指定路径不一致,导致模拟器启动时候运行的adb不是android studio配置目录下的,当编译时启动adb时,提示adb已经正在运行。
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