qqjudith 2016-07-07 01:28 采纳率: 62.5%
浏览 807


<select id="findList" parameterClass="java.util.Map"
    select t1.areaName as title,
            t1.areaId as areaId,
            t1.totalAmount as totalAmount,
            t2.usedAmount as usedAmount,
            t1.totalAmount - t2.usedAmount as freeAmount
        select a.area_name as areaName, 
               a.area_id as areaId,
               a.sort as sort,
               nvl(t.capacity, 0) as totalAmount
        from proof_area a 
        left join
        select r.area_id,
               sum(t.capacity) as capacity
        from proof_room r,
             proof_cabinet c,
        select s.proof_cabinet_id,
               count(1) as capacity
        from proof_cabinet_struct s
        left join proof_drawer d
        on s.proof_cabinet_struct_id = d.proof_cabinet_struct_id
        left join proof_grid g
        on d.proof_drawer_id = g.proof_drawer_id
        group by s.proof_cabinet_id
        ) t
        where r.proof_room_id = c.proof_room_id
        and c.proof_cabinet_id = t.proof_cabinet_id
        group by r.area_id
        ) t 
        on a.area_id = t.area_id
    ) t1,
        select a.area_name as areaName,a.area_id as areaId, nvl(t.capacity,0) as usedAmount
        from proof_area a
        left join
        select t.area_id, sum(capacity) as capacity
        select r.area_id, count(distinct g.proof_grid_id) as capacity
        from proof_room r,
             proof_cabinet c,
             proof_cabinet_struct s,
             proof_drawer d,
             proof_grid g,
             proof_location l,
             proof_info i,
             archives_info ai
        where r.proof_room_id = c.proof_room_id
        and c.proof_cabinet_id = s.proof_cabinet_id
        and s.proof_cabinet_struct_id = d.proof_cabinet_struct_id
        and d.proof_drawer_id = g.proof_drawer_id
        and g.proof_grid_id = l.proof_grid_id
        and ((l.proof_info_id = i.proof_info_id
        and i.proof_exist_status <![CDATA[>=]]>4
        and i.proof_exist_status <![CDATA[<=]]>7)
        and ai.ARCHIVES_EXIST_STATUS <![CDATA[>=]]>4
        and ai.ARCHIVES_EXIST_STATUS <![CDATA[<=]]>7))
        group by r.area_id
        union all
        select r.area_id, count(distinct d.proof_drawer_id) as capacity
        from proof_room r,
             proof_cabinet c,
             proof_cabinet_struct s,
             proof_drawer d,
             proof_location l,
             proof_info i,
             archives_info ai
        where r.proof_room_id = c.proof_room_id
        and c.proof_cabinet_id = s.proof_cabinet_id
        and s.proof_cabinet_struct_id = d.proof_cabinet_struct_id
        and d.proof_drawer_id = l.proof_drawer_id
        and ((l.proof_info_id = i.proof_info_id
        and i.proof_exist_status <![CDATA[>=]]>4
        and i.proof_exist_status <![CDATA[<=]]>7)
        and ai.ARCHIVES_EXIST_STATUS <![CDATA[>=]]>4
        and ai.ARCHIVES_EXIST_STATUS <![CDATA[<=]]>7))
        group by r.area_id
        union all
        select r.area_id, count(distinct s.proof_cabinet_struct_id) as capacity
        from proof_room r,
             proof_cabinet c,
             proof_cabinet_struct s,
             proof_location l,
             proof_info i,
             archives_info ai
        where r.proof_room_id = c.proof_room_id
        and c.proof_cabinet_id = s.proof_cabinet_id
        and s.proof_cabinet_struct_id = l.proof_cabinet_struct_id
        and ((l.proof_info_id = i.proof_info_id
        and i.proof_exist_status <![CDATA[>=]]>4
        and i.proof_exist_status <![CDATA[<=]]>7)
        and ai.ARCHIVES_EXIST_STATUS <![CDATA[>=]]>4
        and ai.ARCHIVES_EXIST_STATUS <![CDATA[<=]]>7))
        group by r.area_id
        ) t
        group by t.area_id
        ) t 
        on a.area_id = t.area_id
    ) t2
    where t1.areaName = t2.areaName
     and t1.areaId=t2.areaId 
    <isNotEmpty property="areaIds">and t1.areaid in($areaIds$)</isNotEmpty>
    order by t1.sort
  • 写回答

1条回答 默认 最新

  • zqbnqsdsmd 2017-03-13 23:43



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