wh9202 2016-07-15 03:40 采纳率: 0%
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  • wh9202 2016-07-15 03:41

    Option Explicit

    Dim videfaultRM As Long ' Resource manager session returned by viOpenDefaultRM(videfaultRM)
    Dim vi As Long ' Session identifier of devices
    Dim errorStatus As Long ' VISA function status return code

    Dim connected As Boolean ' Sets flag to determine if instrument is connected or not
    Dim addr As String ' Used for the instrument address
    Dim addrtype As String ' Used for the I/O type
    Dim TotTime As Double ' Used to calculate total measurement time

    Dim ReturnedData As String ' Used to read returned data
    Dim NumRdgs As Long ' Used for the number of readings taken
    Dim TrigCount As Integer ' Used to determine number of scans
    Dim NumChan As Long ' Used to determine the number of channels scanned

    Private Sub Form_Load()
    ' This sub loads the form.

    ' Enable form and list box
    VISAExample.Enabled = True
    VISAExample.Visible = True
    List1.Enabled = True
    List1.Visible = True

    List1.AddItem ("Enter/select instrument address, if needed,")
    List1.AddItem ("click on " + Chr(34) + "Select I/O" + Chr(34) + " to select the adress,")
    List1.AddItem ("and click on " + Chr(34) + "Get Readings" + Chr(34) + " to trigger instrument.")
    List1.AddItem ("Measurements will take some time.")

    connected = False

    End Sub

    Sub RunProgram()
    ' This program sets the 34970A to a pre-defined state, makes measurements, and
    ' returns the measurements.

    ' Call the function that opens communication with instrument
    If connected = False Then
    If Not OpenPort Then
    Exit Sub
    End If
    End If

    ' Abort a scan, if one is in progress
    SendCmd "ABORt"

    ' Call sub to setup the 34970A

    List1.AddItem "Scanning and making measurements; please wait."
    List1.AddItem "The instrument will scan through the channels once,"
    List1.AddItem "then wait a pre-determined time, and scan again."
    List1.AddItem "Measurement time is about: " + LTrim$(Str$(TotTime)) + " seconds."

    ' Call sub to trigger the 34970A, make measurements, and return the readings

    ' Enable Exit button

    End Sub

    Private Sub Setup()
    ' This sub performs the instrument setup.

    Dim DelayVal As Double
    Dim TrigTime As Double

    ' Reset instrument to turn-on condition
    SendCmd "*RST"

    ' Configure for temperature measurements
    ' Select channels 101 to 110
    ' Type J thermocouple measurement
    ' 3 digit (selected by *RST)
    SendCmd "CONFigure:TEMPerature TCouple, J, (@101:110)"

    ' Select the temperature unit (C = Celcius)
    SendCmd "UNIT:TEMPerature C, (@101:110)"

    ' Set the reference temperature type (internal)
    SendCmd "SENSe:TEMPerature:TRANSducer:TCouple:RJUNction:TYPE INTernal, (@101:110)"

    ' Configure for voltage readings:
    ' Select channels 111 to 120
    ' DC volts
    ' 10 V range
    ' 5.5 digit (selected by *RST)
    SendCmd "CONFigure:VOLTage:DC 10, (@111:120)"

    ' Set the number of power line cycles for all channels to 1
    SendCmd "SENSe:VOLTage:NPLC 1,(@111:120)"

    ' Select the scan list for channels 101 to 120 (all configured channels)
    SendCmd "ROUTe:SCAN (@101:120)"

    ' Set the same measurement delay between the channels
    SendCmd "ROUTe:CHANnel:DELay 0.25, (@101:120)"

    ' Set number of sweeps to 2; use your own value
    SendCmd "TRIGger:COUNt 2"

    ' Set the trigger mode to TIMER (timed trigger); use your own type
    SendCmd "TRIGger:SOURce TIMer"

    ' Set the trigger time to 10 seconds (i.e., time between scans); use your own value
    SendCmd "TRIGger:TIMer 10"

    ' Format the reading time to show the time value from the start of the scan
    SendCmd "FORMat:READing:TIME:TYPE RELative"

    ' Add time stamp to reading using the selected time format
    SendCmd "FORMat:READing:TIME ON"

    ' Add the channel number to the returned readings
    SendCmd "FORMat:READing:CHANnel ON"

    ' Wait for instrument to setup
    SendCmd "*OPC?"
    ReturnedData = GetData()

    ' Gets the number of channels to be scanned; used to determine the number of readings
    SendCmd "ROUTe:SCAN:SIZE?"
    NumChan = Val(GetData())

    ' Gets the number of triggers; used to determine the number of scans
    SendCmd "TRIGger:COUNt?"
    TrigCount = Val(GetData())

    ' Get the delay; for future use
    SendCmd "ROUTe:CHANnel:DELay? (@101)"
    DelayVal = Val(GetData())

    ' Get the trigger time
    SendCmd "TRIGger:TIMer?"
    TrigTime = Val(GetData())

    ' Calculate total number of readings
    NumRdgs = NumChan * TrigCount

    ' Calculate total time
    TotTime = (TrigTime * TrigCount) - TrigTime + (NumChan * DelayVal)

    'Check for errors
    Call Check_Error("Setup")

    End Sub

    Sub Readings()
    ' This sub triggers the instrument, makes the measurements, and returns the readings.

    Dim rdgs As String
    Dim readval As String
    Dim timerdg As String
    Dim chrdg As String
    Dim Dateval As String
    Dim timeval As String
    Dim temp As Long
    Dim I As Long

    ' Trigger the insreument
    SendCmd "INITiate"

    ' Get the date at which the scan was started
    SendCmd "SYSTem:DATE?"
    Dateval = GetData()

    ' Get the time at which the scan was started
    SendCmd "SYSTem:TIME?"
    timeval = GetData()

    ' Wait until instrument is finished taken readings.
    SendCmd "DATA:POINTS?"
    ReturnedData = GetData()
    temp = Val(ReturnedData)
    Loop Until temp = NumRdgs

    List1.AddItem "Enter/select instrument address, if needed;"
    List1.AddItem "then click on " + Chr$(34) + "Get Readings" + Chr$(34) + " to trigger instrument."
    List1.AddItem "Measurements will take some time."

    List1.AddItem ""
    List1.AddItem "Start Date (yyyy,mm,dd): " + Left$(Dateval, Len(Dateval) - 1)
    List1.AddItem "Start Time (hh,mm,ss): " + Left$(timeval, Len(timeval) - 1)
    List1.AddItem "Rdng#" + Chr$(9) + "Channel" + Chr$(9) + "Value" + Chr$(9) + Chr$(9) + "Time"

    ' Check for errors
    Call Check_Error("Readings")

    ' Take readings out of memory one reading at a time. The "FETCh?" can also be used.
    ' It reads all readings in memory, but leaves the readings in memory. The
    ' "DATA:REMove?" command removes and erases the readings in memory.
    For I = 1 To NumRdgs

    ' Get reading value
    SendCmd "DATA:REMove? 1  "
    rdgs = GetData()
    readval = Mid$(rdgs, 1, InStr(rdgs, ",") - 1)
    rdgs = Mid$(rdgs, InStr(rdgs, ",") + 1, Len(rdgs))

    ' Get time stamp and channel number
    timerdg = Mid$(rdgs, 1, InStr(rdgs, ",") - 1)
    rdgs = Mid$(rdgs, InStr(rdgs, ",") + 1, Len(rdgs))

    ' Get channel number
    chrdg = rdgs
    rdgs = LTrim$(Str$(I)) + Chr$(9) + chrdg + Chr$(9) + readval + Chr$(9) + timerdg
    List1.AddItem rdgs

    Next I

    End Sub

    Function OpenPort() As Boolean
    ' This function opens a port (the communication between the instrument and computer).

    Dim addr As String

    ' If port is open, close it
    If connected Then
    errorStatus = viClose(vi)
    End If

    ' Get I/O Address
    addr = UCase(ioType.Text)

    ' Open the Visa session
    errorStatus = viOpenDefaultRM(videfaultRM)
    ' Open communication to the instrument
    errorStatus = viOpen(videfaultRM, addr & "::INSTR", 0, 0, vi)
    ' Set timeout in milliseconds; set the timeout for your requirements
    errorStatus = viSetAttribute(vi, VI_ATTR_TMO_VALUE, 2000)
        ' Set the RS-232 parameters; refer to the 34970A and VISA documentation
        ' to change the settings. Make sure the instrument and the following
        ' settings agree.
        errorStatus = viSetAttribute(vi, VI_ATTR_ASRL_BAUD, 115200)
        errorStatus = viSetAttribute(vi, VI_ATTR_ASRL_DATA_BITS, 8)
        errorStatus = viSetAttribute(vi, VI_ATTR_ASRL_PARITY, VI_ASRL_PAR_NONE)
        errorStatus = viSetAttribute(vi, VI_ATTR_ASRL_STOP_BITS, VI_ASRL_STOP_ONE)
        errorStatus = viSetAttribute(vi, VI_ATTR_ASRL_FLOW_CNTRL, VI_ASRL_FLOW_XON_XOFF)
        ' Set the instrument to remote
        SendCmd "SYSTem:REMote"

    ' Check and make sure the correct instrument is addressed
    SendCmd "*IDN?"
    ReturnedData = GetData()

    If (InStr(ReturnedData, "34970A") = 0) Then
    MsgBox "Incorrect instrument addressed; use the correct address."
    ioType.Text = "::INSTR"
    connected = False
    OpenPort = False

    ' Close instrument session
    errorStatus = viClose(vi)
    ' Close the session
    errorStatus = viClose(videfaultRM)
    Exit Function

    End If

    ' Clear list box

    List1.AddItem "Instrument ID is:"
    List1.AddItem ReturnedData

    ' Check and make sure the 34901A Module is installed in slot 100;
    ' Exit program if not correct
    SendCmd ("SYSTem:CTYPe? 100")
    ReturnedData = GetData()

    If InStr(ReturnedData, "34901A") = 0 Then
    MsgBox "Incorrect Module Installed in slot 100!"
    End If

    ' Check if the DMM is installed
    SendCmd ("INSTrument:DMM:INSTalled?")
    ReturnedData = GetData()
    'If not installed, stop programming the 34970A
    If Val(ReturnedData) = 0 Then
    MsgBox "DMM not installed; unable to make measurements."
    End If

    ' Check if the DMM is enabled; enable if not enabled
    SendCmd ("INSTrument:DMM?")
    ReturnedData = GetData()
    If Val(ReturnedData) = 0 Then
    SendCmd ("INSTrument:DMM ON")
    End If

    connected = True
    OpenPort = True

    End Function

    Private Sub SendCmd(SCPICmd As String)
    ' This routine will send a SCPI command string to the instrument. If the
    ' command contains a question mark (i.e., is a query command), you must
    ' read the response with the 'GetData' function.

    Dim commandstr As String ' Command passed to instrument
    Dim actual As Long ' Number of characters sent/returned

    ' Set up an error handler within subroutine to be called if an error occurs.
    'On Error GoTo VIerrorHandler

    ' Write the command to the instrument (terminated by a linefeed)
    commandstr = SCPICmd & Chr$(10)
    errorStatus = viWrite(vi, ByVal commandstr, Len(commandstr), actual)

    Exit Sub

    End Sub

    Function GetData() As String
    ' This function reads the string returned by the instrument

    Dim readbuf As String * 2048 ' Buffer used for returned string
    Dim replyString As String ' Store the string returned
    Dim valpos As Integer ' Location of any null's and line feed in readbuf
    Dim actual As Long ' Number of characters sent/returned

    ' Read the response string
    errorStatus = viRead(vi, ByVal readbuf, 2048, actual)
    replyString = readbuf

    If actual = 0 Then
    GoTo VIerrorHandler
    End If

    ' Strip out the line feed, if any
    If InStr(replyString, Chr$(10)) Then
    replyString = Left(replyString, InStr(replyString, Chr$(10)) - 1)
    End If

    ' Strip out the carriage returnfeed, if any
    If InStr(replyString, Chr$(13)) Then
    replyString = Left(replyString, InStr(replyString, Chr$(13)) - 1)
    End If

    ' return data
    GetData = replyString

    Exit Function


    ' Display the error message
    MsgBox " I/O Error"

    ' Close the device session
    errorStatus = viClose(vi)

    ' Close the session
    errorStatus = viClose(videfaultRM)


    End Function

    Sub Check_Error(msg As String)
    ' Checks for syntax and other errors.

    Dim err_code As Integer
    Dim err_msg As String
    Dim TempCheck As Integer
    Dim valpos As Integer

    ' check for initial error
    SendCmd "SYSTem:ERRor?"
    err_msg = GetData()

    ' If error found, check for more errors and exit program
    err_code = Val(err_msg)

    TempCheck = 0
    While err_code <> 0
    TempCheck = 1

    msg = "Error in: " + msg + Chr$(10)
    msg = msg + "Error Number: " + Str$(err_code) + Chr$(10) + "Error Message: " + err_msg
    MsgBox msg
    ' check for more errors
    SendCmd "SYSTem:ERRor?"
    err_msg = GetData()
    err_code = Val(err_msg)


    If TempCheck <> 0 Then

    ' Send a device clear
    SendCmd "*CLS"
    ' Close instrument session
    errorStatus = viClose(vi)
    ' Close the session
    errorStatus = viClose(videfaultRM)
    ' end the program

    End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub GetReadings_Click()
    ' Call sub routine to trigger instrument and get readings.

    ' Call the Readings sub

    End Sub

    Private Sub Exit_Prog_Click()
    ' Calls sub to close the session and end program.

    ' Calls the sub

    End Sub

    Sub End_Prog()
    ' Closes the session and program.

    If connected Then
    ' Abort a scan
    SendCmd "ABORt"

    ' Send a device clear
    SendCmd "*CLS"
    ' Close instrument session
    errorStatus = viClose(vi)
    ' Close the session
    errorStatus = viClose(videfaultRM)

    End If


    End Sub

    Private Sub SelectIO_Click()
    ' Button that selects the I/O and creates an instrument session.

    ' Establish communications

    End Sub




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