Qian�Ao Rigele 2020-05-23 10:17 采纳率: 0%
浏览 21

react.js 如何正确设置Setstate,让两个图层:散点图层ScatterplotLayer和线条图层TripsLayer能够实现同步渲染。




import React, {Component, Fragment} from 'react';

import {render} from 'react-dom';

import {StaticMap} from 'react-map-gl';

import {AmbientLight, PointLight, LightingEffect} from '@deck.gl/core';

import DeckGL from '@deck.gl/react';

import {PolygonLayer} from '@deck.gl/layers';

import {TripsLayer} from '@deck.gl/geo-layers';

import {ScatterplotLayer} from '@deck.gl/layers';

import {DataFilterExtension} from '@deck.gl/extensions';

import {MapView} from '@deck.gl/core';

import RangeInput from './range-input';

// Set your mapbox token here

const MAPBOX_TOKEN = process.env.MapboxAccessToken; // eslint-disable-line

// Source data CSV

const DATA_URL1 = {


   './package1.json' // eslint-disable-line


const DATA_URL =

 './data2.csv'; // eslint-disable-line

const MAP_VIEW = new MapView({

   // 1 is the distance between the camera and the ground

   farZMultiplier: 100


const ambientLight = new AmbientLight({

 color: [122, 122, 122],

 intensity: 1.0


const pointLight = new PointLight({

 color: [255, 255, 255],

 intensity: 2.0,

 position: [127.05, 37.5, 8000]


const lightingEffect = new LightingEffect({ambientLight, pointLight});

const material = {

 ambient: 0.1,

 diffuse: 0.6,

 shininess: 32,

 specularColor: [60, 64, 70]



 buildingColor: [74, 80, 87],

 trailColor0: [253, 128, 93],

 trailColor1: [23, 184, 190],


 effects: [lightingEffect]



 longitude: 126.9779692,

 latitude: 37.566535,

 zoom: 6,

 pitch: 0,

 bearing: 0


const landCover = [[[-74.0, 40.7], [-74.02, 40.7], [-74.02, 40.72], [-74.0, 40.72]]];

const MS_PER_DAY = 8.64e7; // milliseconds in a day

const dataFilter = new DataFilterExtension({filterSize: 1});

export default class App extends Component {

 constructor(props) {


   this.state1 = {

     time: 0


   const timeRange = this._getTimeRange(props.data);

   this.state = {


     filterValue: timeRange,

     hoveredObject: null,


   this._onHover = this._onHover.bind(this);

   this._renderTooltip = this._renderTooltip.bind(this);


 componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {

   if (nextProps.data !== this.props.data) {

     const timeRange = this._getTimeRange(nextProps.data);

     this.setState({timeRange, filterValue: timeRange});



 componentDidMount() {



 componentWillUnmount() {

   if (this._animationFrame) {




 _animate() {

   const {

     loopLength = 1000, // unit corresponds to the timestamp in source data

     animationSpeed = 20 // unit time per second

   } = this.props;

   const timestamp = Date.now() / 1000;

   const loopTime = loopLength / animationSpeed;


     time: ((timestamp % loopTime) / loopTime) * loopLength


   this._animationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame(this._animate.bind(this));


 _getTimeRange(data) {

   if (!data) {

     return null;


   return data.reduce(

     (range, d) => {

       const t = d.timestamp / MS_PER_DAY;

       range[0] = Math.min(range[0], t);

       range[1] = Math.max(range[1], t);

       return range;


     [Infinity, -Infinity]



 _onHover({x, y, object}) {

   this.setState({x, y, hoveredObject: object});


 _renderLayers() {

   const {

     buildings = DATA_URL1.BUILDINGS,

     trips = DATA_URL1.TRIPS,

     trailLength = 30,

     theme = DEFAULT_THEME

   } = this.props;

   const {data} = this.props;

   const {filterValue} = this.state;

   return [

     data &&

     new ScatterplotLayer({

       id: 'earthquakes',


       opacity: 0.8,

       radiusScale: 1,

       radiusMinPixels: 1,

       wrapLongitude: true,

       getPosition: d => [d.longitude, d.latitude, -d.depth * 1000],

       getRadius: d => d.VisitingTime * 200,

       getFillColor: d => {

         const r = Math.sqrt(Math.max(d.depth, 0));

         return [255 - r * 15, r * 5, r * 10];


       getFilterValue: d => d.timestamp / MS_PER_DAY, // in days

       filterRange: [filterValue[0], filterValue[1]],

       filterSoftRange: [

         filterValue[0] * 0.9 + filterValue[1] * 0.1,

         filterValue[0] * 0.1 + filterValue[1] * 0.9


       extensions: [dataFilter],

       pickable: true,

       onHover: this._onHover


     new PolygonLayer({

       id: 'ground',

       data: landCover,

       getPolygon: f => f,

       stroked: false,

       getFillColor: [0, 0, 0, 0]


     new TripsLayer({

       id: 'trips',

       data: trips,

       getPath: d => d.path,

       getTimestamps: d => d.timestamps,

       getColor: d => (d.vendor === 0 ? theme.trailColor0 : theme.trailColor1),

       opacity: 0.3,

       widthMinPixels: 2,

       rounded: true,


       currentTime: this.state.time,

       shadowEnabled: false


     new PolygonLayer({

       id: 'buildings',

       data: buildings,

       extruded: true,

       wireframe: false,

       opacity: 0.5,

       getPolygon: f => f.polygon,

       getElevation: f => f.height,

       getFillColor: theme.buildingColor,

       material: theme.material




 _renderTooltip() {

   const {x, y, hoveredObject} = this.state;

   return (

     hoveredObject && (

       <div className="tooltip" style={{top: y, left: x}}>


           <b>Time: </b>

           <span>{new Date(hoveredObject.timestamp).toUTCString()}</span>



           <b>VisitingTime: </b>




           <b>Depth: </b>

           <span>{hoveredObject.depth} km</span>






 _formatLabel(t) {

   const date = new Date(t * MS_PER_DAY);

   return `${date.getUTCFullYear()}/${date.getUTCMonth() + 1}`;


 render() {

   const {


     mapStyle = 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9',

     theme = DEFAULT_THEME

   } = this.props;

   const {timeRange, filterValue} = this.state;

   return (


















     {timeRange && (






           onChange={({value}) => this.setState({filterValue: value})}







export function renderToDOM(container) {

 require('d3-request').csv(DATA_URL, (error, response) => {

   if (!error) {

     const data = response.map(row => ({

       timestamp: new Date(`${row.DateTime} UTC`).getTime(),

       latitude: Number(row.Latitude),

       longitude: Number(row.Longitude),

       depth: Number(row.Depth),

       VisitingTime: Number(row.VisitingTime)


     render(<App data={data} />, container);








(2)下面代码和效果截图是我把setstate放在setinterval里面,添加了一个计时器,实现一个叫 tick() 的方法,计时器组件每秒都会调用它,但是,ScatterplotLayer散点图层的animate还是没有动起来。可以在浏览器的开发者工具里面看到time是实时更新的,但是filterValue没有更新(filterValue:Called to retrieve the value for each object that it will be filtered by. Returns either a number (if filterSize: 1) or an array. 这里是filter by timestamp)。我觉得可以设置计时器,就能实现animate呀,可能还有一小步没有设置正确。非常感谢您的指教~

 import React, {Component, Fragment} from 'react';

import {render} from 'react-dom';

import {StaticMap} from 'react-map-gl';

import {AmbientLight, PointLight, LightingEffect} from '@deck.gl/core';

import DeckGL from '@deck.gl/react';

import {PolygonLayer} from '@deck.gl/layers';

import {TripsLayer} from '@deck.gl/geo-layers';

import {ScatterplotLayer} from '@deck.gl/layers';

import {DataFilterExtension} from '@deck.gl/extensions';

import {MapView} from '@deck.gl/core';

// Set your mapbox token here

const MAPBOX_TOKEN = process.env.MapboxAccessToken; // eslint-disable-line

// Source data CSV

const DATA_URL1 = {


   './package1.json' // eslint-disable-line


const DATA_URL =

 './data2.csv'; // eslint-disable-line

const MAP_VIEW = new MapView({

   // 1 is the distance between the camera and the ground

   farZMultiplier: 100


const ambientLight = new AmbientLight({

 color: [122, 122, 122],

 intensity: 1.0


const pointLight = new PointLight({

 color: [255, 255, 255],

 intensity: 2.0,

 position: [127.05, 37.5, 8000]


const lightingEffect = new LightingEffect({ambientLight, pointLight});

const material = {

 ambient: 0.1,

 diffuse: 0.6,

 shininess: 32,

 specularColor: [60, 64, 70]



 buildingColor: [74, 80, 87],

 trailColor0: [253, 128, 93],

 trailColor1: [23, 184, 190],


 effects: [lightingEffect]



 longitude: 126.9779692,

 latitude: 37.566535,

 zoom: 6,

 pitch: 0,

 bearing: 0


const landCover = [[[-74.0, 40.7], [-74.02, 40.7], [-74.02, 40.72], [-74.0, 40.72]]];

const MS_PER_DAY = 8.64e7; // milliseconds in a day

const dataFilter = new DataFilterExtension({filterSize: 1});

export default class App extends Component {

 constructor(props) {


   this.state = {date: new Date()};

   const timeRange = this._getTimeRange(props.data);

   this.state = {


     filterValue: timeRange,



 componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {

   if (nextProps.data !== this.props.data) {

     const timeRange = this._getTimeRange(nextProps.data);

     this.setState({timeRange, filterValue: timeRange});



 componentDidMount() {


   this.timerID = setInterval(

     () => this.tick(),




 componentWillUnmount() {

   if (this._animationFrame) {





 tick() {


     date: new Date()



 _animate() {

   const {

     loopLength = 1000, // unit corresponds to the timestamp in source data

     animationSpeed = 20 // unit time per second

   } = this.props;

   const timestamp = Date.now() / 1000;

   const loopTime = loopLength / animationSpeed;


     time: ((timestamp % loopTime) / loopTime) * loopLength


   this._animationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame(this._animate.bind(this));


 _getTimeRange(data) {

   if (!data) {

     return null;


   return data.reduce(

     (range, d) => {

       const t = d.timestamp / MS_PER_DAY;

       range[0] = Math.min(range[0], t);

       range[1] = Math.max(range[1], t);

       return range;


     [Infinity, -Infinity]



 _renderLayers() {

   const {

     buildings = DATA_URL1.BUILDINGS,

     trips = DATA_URL1.TRIPS,

     trailLength = 30,

     theme = DEFAULT_THEME

   } = this.props;

   const {data} = this.props;

   const {filterValue} = this.state;

   return [

     data &&

     new ScatterplotLayer({

       id: 'ScatterplotLayer',


       opacity: 0.8,

       radiusScale: 1,

       radiusMinPixels: 1,

       wrapLongitude: true,

       rounded: true,

       getTimestamps: d => d.timestamps,

       getPosition: d => [d.longitude, d.latitude],

       getRadius: d => d.VisitingTime * 200,

       getFillColor: d => {

         const r = Math.sqrt(Math.max(d.depth, 0));

         return [255 - r * 15, r * 5, r * 10];


       getFilterValue: d => d.timestamp / MS_PER_DAY, // in days

       currentTime: this.state.time,

       filterRange: [filterValue[0], filterValue[1]],

       filterSoftRange: [

         filterValue[0] * 0.9 + filterValue[1] * 0.1,

         filterValue[0] * 0.1 + filterValue[1] * 0.9


       extensions: [dataFilter]


     new PolygonLayer({

       id: 'ground',

       data: landCover,

       getPolygon: f => f,

       stroked: false,

       getFillColor: [0, 0, 0, 0]


     new TripsLayer({

       id: 'trips',

       data: trips,

       getPath: d => d.path,

       getTimestamps: d => d.timestamps,

       getColor: d => (d.vendor === 0 ? theme.trailColor0 : theme.trailColor1),

       opacity: 0.3,

       widthMinPixels: 2,

       rounded: true,


       currentTime: this.state.time,

       shadowEnabled: false


     new PolygonLayer({

       id: 'buildings',

       data: buildings,

       extruded: true,

       wireframe: false,

       opacity: 0.5,

       getPolygon: f => f.polygon,

       getElevation: f => f.height,

       getFillColor: theme.buildingColor,

       material: theme.material




 render() {

   const {


     mapStyle = 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9',

     theme = DEFAULT_THEME

   } = this.props;

   return (





















export function renderToDOM(container) {

 require('d3-request').csv(DATA_URL, (error, response) => {

   if (!error) {

     const data = response.map(row => ({

       timestamp: new Date(`${row.DateTime} UTC`).getTime(),

       latitude: Number(row.Latitude),

       longitude: Number(row.Longitude),

       depth: Number(row.Depth),

       VisitingTime: Number(row.VisitingTime)


     render(<App data={data} />, container);




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  • Qian�Ao Rigele 2020-05-23 17:34





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