参数是 element,time,class,则后台实现 select element from tab1 where datatime>time and className=class;
如果传参数 element, time,class,order,则后台实现 select element from tab1 where datatime>time and className=class order by order;
还要类似很多这种情况, 怎么写一个通用的方法实现

C# api接口不固定参数get传参
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- nihaimeiyoudenglu 2018-07-24 09:16关注
public class searchClass{
public string display{get;set;}//多个参数可以用,形式,例 如:a,b,c,element
public string table{get;set;}
public List conditions{get;set;}
}public class searchCondition{
public string key {get;set;}
public string value{get;set;}
public string fn{get;set;}// > < = ...
}public IctionResult Api(searchClass param) { string sql = " select "+param.display+" from " + param.param ; if(param.conditions!=null && param.conditions.count()>0) sql+=" where 1=1 ";
foreach (var item in param.conditions) sql += " and " + item.key + item.fn + item.value;
if (o != null) sql += " order by" + o;
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