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- _zming 2018-09-04 01:26关注
Use an execution environment JRE:When selected, you can specify an execution environment to be used for the new Java project. The new project will use a compiler compliance which fits best the selected execution environment. Execution environments can be configured on the Java > Installed JREs > Execution Environmentspreference page. 执行环境的jre是通过 Java > Installed JREs > Execution Environmentspreference配置的jre,一般就是全局的jre可以配置,使用自己安装的jre或使用eclipse默认自带的jre Use project specific JRE: When selected, you can explicitly specify the JRE to be used for the new Java project. The new project will use a compiler compliance which matches the version of the selected JRE. 特定项目的jre只是针对当前项目,对当前项目的编译使用你所选的jre Use default JRE: When selected, the New Java Project Wizard creates a new Java project which uses the workspace default JRE. The default JRE can be configured on the Java > Installed JREs preference page. The project will also use the default compiler compliance which can be configured on the Java > Compiler preference page. Click on Configure default... to configure the default JRE and compiler compliance.
默认工作空间级别使用的jre,可以通过 Java > Installed JREs配置
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