I find that simple things like function calls and loops, and even just loops incrementing a counter take far more time in Python and Ruby than in Chicken Scheme, Racket, or SBCL.
Why is this so? I often hear people say that slowness is a price you pay for dynamic languages, but Lisps are very dynamic and are not ridiculously slow (they are usually less than 5 times slower than C; Ruby and Python can go into the double digits). Besides, Lisp style uses recursion, and not always tail recursion, a lot, the stack is a linked list of continuations in the heap, etc, which seem to be things that should make Lisp slower than the imperative-style Python and Ruby.
Racket and SBCL are JITted, but Chicken Scheme is either statically compiled, or uses a non-optimizing interpreter, both of which should be badly suited to dynamic languages and slow. Yet even using the naive csi
interpreter for Chicken Scheme (which doesn't even do bytecode compilation!), I get speeds far beyond Python and Ruby.
Why exactly are Python and Ruby so ridiculously slow compared to the similarly dynamic Lisps? Is it because they are object oriented and need huge vtables and type heirarchies?
Example: factorial function. Python:
def factorial(n):
if n == 0:
return 1
return n*factorial(n-1)
for x in xrange(10000000):
i = factorial(10)
#lang racket
(define (factorial n)
[(zero? n) 1]
[else (* n (factorial (sub1 n)))]))
(define q 0)
(for ([i 10000000])
(set! q (factorial 10)))
Timing results:
ithisa@miyasa /scratch> time racket factorial.rkt
racket factorial.rkt 1.00s user 0.03s system 99% cpu 1.032 total
ithisa@miyasa /scratch> time python factorial.py
python factorial.py 13.66s user 0.01s system 100% cpu 13.653 total