xixiue 2009-01-18 22:17
浏览 241


为什么我的Hibernate+struts2 执行session.save()会跑车这么多SQL语句出来呢

13:31:01,015 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2746 -  Snapshot select: select commodity_.id, commodity_.name as name6_, commodity_.tag as tag6_, commodity_.regularPrice as regularP4_6_, commodity_.boundPrice as boundPrice6_, commodity_.stock as stock6_, commodity_.state as state6_, commodity_.site as site6_, commodity_.productionPlace as producti9_6_, commodity_.producer as producer6_, commodity_.tpye as tpye6_, commodity_.sellTheQueen as sellThe12_6_, commodity_.description as descrip13_6_, commodity_.categoryId as categoryId6_, commodity_.relevanceId as relevan15_6_, commodity_.boundSaleId as boundSa16_6_ from tb_commodity commodity_ where commodity_.id=?
13:31:01,015 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2749 -  Insert 0: insert into tb_commodity (name, tag, regularPrice, boundPrice, stock, state, site, productionPlace, producer, tpye, sellTheQueen, description, categoryId, relevanceId, boundSaleId, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
13:31:01,015 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2750 -  Update 0: update tb_commodity set name=?, tag=?, regularPrice=?, boundPrice=?, stock=?, state=?, site=?, productionPlace=?, producer=?, tpye=?, sellTheQueen=?, description=?, categoryId=?, relevanceId=?, boundSaleId=? where id=?
13:31:01,031 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2751 -  Delete 0: delete from tb_commodity where id=?
13:31:01,031 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2755 -  Identity insert: insert into tb_commodity (name, tag, regularPrice, boundPrice, stock, state, site, productionPlace, producer, tpye, sellTheQueen, description, categoryId, relevanceId, boundSaleId) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
13:31:01,031 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2738 - Static SQL for entity: com.hibernate.pojo.CommodityTemplet
13:31:01,046 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2743 -  Version select: select id from tb_commoditytemplet where id =?
13:31:01,046 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2746 -  Snapshot select: select commodityt_.id, commodityt_.name as name8_, commodityt_.flag as flag8_ from tb_commoditytemplet commodityt_ where commodityt_.id=?
13:31:01,046 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2749 -  Insert 0: insert into tb_commoditytemplet (name, flag, id) values (?, ?, ?)
13:31:01,046 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2750 -  Update 0: update tb_commoditytemplet set name=?, flag=? where id=?
13:31:01,046 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2751 -  Delete 0: delete from tb_commoditytemplet where id=?
13:31:01,046 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2755 -  Identity insert: insert into tb_commoditytemplet (name, flag) values (?, ?)
13:31:01,062 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2738 - Static SQL for entity: com.hibernate.pojo.WayOfContact
13:31:01,078 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2743 -  Version select: select id from tb_wayOfContact where id =?
13:31:01,078 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2746 -  Snapshot select: select wayofconta_.id, wayofconta_.name as name28_, wayofconta_.email as email28_, wayofconta_.phone as phone28_, wayofconta_.mobliePhone as mobliePh5_28_, wayofconta_.addr as addr28_, wayofconta_.zipCode as zipCode28_, wayofconta_.AddrCategoryId as AddrCate8_28_ from tb_wayOfContact wayofconta_ where wayofconta_.id=?
13:31:01,078 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2749 -  Insert 0: insert into tb_wayOfContact (name, email, phone, mobliePhone, addr, zipCode, AddrCategoryId, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
13:31:01,078 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2750 -  Update 0: update tb_wayOfContact set name=?, email=?, phone=?, mobliePhone=?, addr=?, zipCode=?, AddrCategoryId=? where id=?
13:31:01,078 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2751 -  Delete 0: delete from tb_wayOfContact where id=?
13:31:01,078 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2755 -  Identity insert: insert into tb_wayOfContact (name, email, phone, mobliePhone, addr, zipCode, AddrCategoryId) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
13:31:01,093 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2738 - Static SQL for entity: com.hibernate.pojo.PageText
13:31:01,093 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2743 -  Version select: select id from tb_pageText where id =?
13:31:01,093 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2746 -  Snapshot select: select pagetext_.id, pagetext_.name as name18_, pagetext_.site as site18_, pagetext_.tag as tag18_, pagetext_.createDate as createDate18_ from tb_pageText pagetext_ where pagetext_.id=?
13:31:01,093 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2749 -  Insert 0: insert into tb_pageText (name, site, tag, createDate, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
13:31:01,093 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2750 -  Update 0: update tb_pageText set name=?, site=?, tag=?, createDate=? where id=?
13:31:01,093 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2751 -  Delete 0: delete from tb_pageText where id=?
13:31:01,093 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2755 -  Identity insert: insert into tb_pageText (name, site, tag, createDate) values (?, ?, ?, ?)
13:31:01,109 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2738 - Static SQL for entity: com.hibernate.pojo.CommodityTempletPropertyName
13:31:01,109 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2743 -  Version select: select id from tb_CommodityTempletPropertyName where id =?
13:31:01,109 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2746 -  Snapshot select: select commodityt_.id, commodityt_.name as name9_, commodityt_.number as number9_, commodityt_.url as url9_, commodityt_.CommodityTempletId as Commodit5_9_ from tb_CommodityTempletPropertyName commodityt_ where commodityt_.id=?
13:31:01,109 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2749 -  Insert 0: insert into tb_CommodityTempletPropertyName (name, number, url, CommodityTempletId, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
13:31:01,109 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2750 -  Update 0: update tb_CommodityTempletPropertyName set name=?, number=?, url=?, CommodityTempletId=? where id=?
13:31:01,109 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2751 -  Delete 0: delete from tb_CommodityTempletPropertyName where id=?
13:31:01,109 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2755 -  Identity insert: insert into tb_CommodityTempletPropertyName (name, number, url, CommodityTempletId) values (?, ?, ?, ?)
13:31:01,125 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2738 - Static SQL for entity: com.hibernate.pojo.PageTextUrl
13:31:01,125 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2743 -  Version select: select id from tb_pageTextUrl where id =?
13:31:01,125 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2746 -  Snapshot select: select pagetextur_.id, pagetextur_.name as name20_, pagetextur_.site as site20_, pagetextur_.tag as tag20_, pagetextur_.url as url20_, pagetextur_.createDate as createDate20_ from tb_pageTextUrl pagetextur_ where pagetextur_.id=?
13:31:01,140 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2749 -  Insert 0: insert into tb_pageTextUrl (name, site, tag, url, createDate, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
13:31:01,140 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2750 -  Update 0: update tb_pageTextUrl set name=?, site=?, tag=?, url=?, createDate=? where id=?
13:31:01,140 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2751 -  Delete 0: delete from tb_pageTextUrl where id=?
13:31:01,140 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2755 -  Identity insert: insert into tb_pageTextUrl (name, site, tag, url, createDate) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
13:31:01,156 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2738 - Static SQL for entity: com.hibernate.pojo.User
13:31:01,156 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2743 -  Version select: select id from tb_user where id =?
13:31:01,156 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2746 -  Snapshot select: select user_.id, user_.userName as userName26_, user_.password as password26_, user_.sex as sex26_, user_.question as question26_, user_.answer as answer26_, user_.onlineTime as onlineTime26_, user_.createDate as createDate26_, user_.ugrade as ugrade26_, user_.fraction as fraction26_, user_.wayOfContactId as wayOfCo11_26_ from tb_user user_ where user_.id=?
13:31:01,171 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2749 -  Insert 0: insert into tb_user (userName, password, sex, question, answer, onlineTime, createDate, ugrade, fraction, wayOfContactId, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
13:31:01,171 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2750 -  Update 0: update tb_user set userName=?, password=?, sex=?, question=?, answer=?, onlineTime=?, createDate=?, ugrade=?, fraction=?, wayOfContactId=? where id=?
13:31:01,171 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2751 -  Delete 0: delete from tb_user where id=?
13:31:01,171 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2755 -  Identity insert: insert into tb_user (userName, password, sex, question, answer, onlineTime, createDate, ugrade, fraction, wayOfContactId) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
13:31:01,171 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2738 - Static SQL for entity: com.hibernate.pojo.Relevance
13:31:01,187 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2743 -  Version select: select id from tb_relevance where id =?
13:31:01,187 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2746 -  Snapshot select: select relevance_.id from tb_relevance relevance_ where relevance_.id=?
13:31:01,187 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2749 -  Insert 0: insert into tb_relevance (id) values (?)
13:31:01,187 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2750 -  Update 0: null
13:31:01,187 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2751 -  Delete 0: delete from tb_relevance where id=?
13:31:01,187 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2755 -  Identity insert: insert into tb_relevance values ( )
13:31:01,203 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2738 - Static SQL for entity: com.hibernate.pojo.Popedom
13:31:01,203 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2743 -  Version select: select id from tb_popedom where id =?
13:31:01,203 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2746 -  Snapshot select: select popedom_.id, popedom_.name as name21_, popedom_.level as level21_, popedom_.leaf as leaf21_, popedom_.description as descript5_21_, popedom_.pid as pid21_ from tb_popedom popedom_ where popedom_.id=?
13:31:01,203 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2749 -  Insert 0: insert into tb_popedom (name, level, leaf, description, pid, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
13:31:01,203 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2750 -  Update 0: update tb_popedom set name=?, level=?, leaf=?, description=?, pid=? where id=?
13:31:01,203 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2751 -  Delete 0: delete from tb_popedom where id=?
13:31:01,203 DEBUG AbstractEntityPersister:2755 -  Identity insert: insert into tb_popedom (name, level, leaf, description, pid) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
13:31:01,250 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:548 - Static SQL for collection: com.hibernate.pojo.OrderForm.orderColumn
13:31:01,250 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:550 -  Row insert: update tb_orderColumn set orderFormId=? where id=?
13:31:01,250 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:556 -  Row delete: update tb_orderColumn set orderFormId=null where orderFormId=? and id=?
13:31:01,250 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:559 -  One-shot delete: update tb_orderColumn set orderFormId=null where orderFormId=?
13:31:01,250 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:548 - Static SQL for collection: com.hibernate.pojo.CommodityTemplet.ctpn
13:31:01,250 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:550 -  Row insert: update tb_CommodityTempletPropertyName set CommodityTempletId=? where id=?
13:31:01,250 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:556 -  Row delete: update tb_CommodityTempletPropertyName set CommodityTempletId=null where CommodityTempletId=? and id=?
13:31:01,250 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:559 -  One-shot delete: update tb_CommodityTempletPropertyName set CommodityTempletId=null where CommodityTempletId=?
13:31:01,250 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:548 - Static SQL for collection: com.hibernate.pojo.PageText.text
13:31:01,265 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:550 -  Row insert: update tb_text set pTextId=? where id=?
13:31:01,265 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:556 -  Row delete: update tb_text set pTextId=null where pTextId=? and id=?
13:31:01,265 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:559 -  One-shot delete: update tb_text set pTextId=null where pTextId=?
13:31:01,265 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:548 - Static SQL for collection: com.hibernate.pojo.Category.children
13:31:01,265 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:550 -  Row insert: update tb_category set pid=? where id=?
13:31:01,265 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:556 -  Row delete: update tb_category set pid=null where pid=? and id=?
13:31:01,265 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:559 -  One-shot delete: update tb_category set pid=null where pid=?
13:31:01,281 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:548 - Static SQL for collection: com.hibernate.pojo.Admin.popedom
13:31:01,281 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:550 -  Row insert: insert into admin_popedom (adminId, popedomId) values (?, ?)
13:31:01,281 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:553 -  Row update: update admin_popedom set popedomId=? where adminId=? and popedomId=?
13:31:01,281 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:556 -  Row delete: delete from admin_popedom where adminId=? and popedomId=?
13:31:01,281 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:559 -  One-shot delete: delete from admin_popedom where adminId=?
13:31:01,281 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:548 - Static SQL for collection: com.hibernate.pojo.AddrCategory.wayOfContact
13:31:01,281 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:550 -  Row insert: update tb_wayOfContact set AddrCategoryId=? where id=?
13:31:01,281 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:556 -  Row delete: update tb_wayOfContact set AddrCategoryId=null where AddrCategoryId=? and id=?
13:31:01,281 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:559 -  One-shot delete: update tb_wayOfContact set AddrCategoryId=null where AddrCategoryId=?
13:31:01,281 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:548 - Static SQL for collection: com.hibernate.pojo.PageCategory.pageTextDown
13:31:01,281 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:550 -  Row insert: insert into pageTextDown_pageCategory (pageCategoryId, pageTextDownId) values (?, ?)
13:31:01,281 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:553 -  Row update: update pageTextDown_pageCategory set pageTextDownId=? where pageCategoryId=? and pageTextDownId=?
13:31:01,296 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:556 -  Row delete: delete from pageTextDown_pageCategory where pageCategoryId=? and pageTextDownId=?
13:31:01,296 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:559 -  One-shot delete: delete from pageTextDown_pageCategory where pageCategoryId=?
13:31:01,296 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:548 - Static SQL for collection: com.hibernate.pojo.Category.commodity
13:31:01,296 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:550 -  Row insert: insert into category_commodity (categoryId, commodityId) values (?, ?)
13:31:01,296 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:553 -  Row update: update category_commodity set commodityId=? where categoryId=? and commodityId=?
13:31:01,296 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:556 -  Row delete: delete from category_commodity where categoryId=? and commodityId=?
13:31:01,296 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:559 -  One-shot delete: delete from category_commodity where categoryId=?
13:31:01,296 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:548 - Static SQL for collection: com.hibernate.pojo.PageTextUrl.pageCategory
13:31:01,296 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:550 -  Row insert: insert into pageTextUrl_pageCategory (pageTextUrl, pageCategoryId) values (?, ?)
13:31:01,296 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:553 -  Row update: update pageTextUrl_pageCategory set pageCategoryId=? where pageTextUrl=? and pageCategoryId=?
13:31:01,296 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:556 -  Row delete: delete from pageTextUrl_pageCategory where pageTextUrl=? and pageCategoryId=?
13:31:01,296 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:559 -  One-shot delete: delete from pageTextUrl_pageCategory where pageTextUrl=?
13:31:01,296 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:548 - Static SQL for collection: com.hibernate.pojo.CommodityTempletPropertyName.ctpv
13:31:01,312 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:550 -  Row insert: update tb_CommodityTempletPropertyValue set CommodityTempletPropertyNameId=? where id=?
13:31:01,312 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:556 -  Row delete: update tb_CommodityTempletPropertyValue set CommodityTempletPropertyNameId=null where CommodityTempletPropertyNameId=? and id=?
13:31:01,312 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:559 -  One-shot delete: update tb_CommodityTempletPropertyValue set CommodityTempletPropertyNameId=null where CommodityTempletPropertyNameId=?
13:31:01,312 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:548 - Static SQL for collection: com.hibernate.pojo.PageCategory.pageText
13:31:01,312 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:550 -  Row insert: insert into pageText_pageCategory (pageCategoryId, pageTextId) values (?, ?)
13:31:01,312 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:553 -  Row update: update pageText_pageCategory set pageTextId=? where pageCategoryId=? and pageTextId=?
13:31:01,312 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:556 -  Row delete: delete from pageText_pageCategory where pageCategoryId=? and pageTextId=?
13:31:01,312 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:559 -  One-shot delete: delete from pageText_pageCategory where pageCategoryId=?
13:31:01,312 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:548 - Static SQL for collection: com.hibernate.pojo.Commodity.setCategory
13:31:01,312 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:550 -  Row insert: insert into category_commodity (commodityId, categoryId) values (?, ?)
13:31:01,312 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:553 -  Row update: update category_commodity set categoryId=? where commodityId=? and categoryId=?
13:31:01,312 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:556 -  Row delete: delete from category_commodity where commodityId=? and categoryId=?
13:31:01,312 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:559 -  One-shot delete: delete from category_commodity where commodityId=?
13:31:01,328 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:548 - Static SQL for collection: com.hibernate.pojo.AddrCategory.children
13:31:01,328 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:550 -  Row insert: update tb_addrCategory set pid=? where id=?
13:31:01,328 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:556 -  Row delete: update tb_addrCategory set pid=null where pid=? and id=?
13:31:01,328 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:559 -  One-shot delete: update tb_addrCategory set pid=null where pid=?
13:31:01,328 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:548 - Static SQL for collection: com.hibernate.pojo.User.messageBoard
13:31:01,328 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:550 -  Row insert: update tb_MessageBoard set userId=? where id=?
13:31:01,328 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:556 -  Row delete: update tb_MessageBoard set userId=null where userId=? and id=?
13:31:01,328 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:559 -  One-shot delete: update tb_MessageBoard set userId=null where userId=?
13:31:01,343 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:548 - Static SQL for collection: com.hibernate.pojo.User.orders
13:31:01,343 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:550 -  Row insert: insert into user_orders (userId, OrderFormId) values (?, ?)
13:31:01,343 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:553 -  Row update: update user_orders set OrderFormId=? where userId=? and OrderFormId=?
13:31:01,343 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:556 -  Row delete: delete from user_orders where userId=? and OrderFormId=?
13:31:01,343 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:559 -  One-shot delete: delete from user_orders where userId=?
13:31:01,343 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:548 - Static SQL for collection: com.hibernate.pojo.Commodity.commodityTempletPropertyValue
13:31:01,343 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:550 -  Row insert: update tb_CommodityTempletPropertyValue set commodityId=? where id=?
13:31:01,343 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:556 -  Row delete: update tb_CommodityTempletPropertyValue set commodityId=null where commodityId=? and id=?
13:31:01,343 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:559 -  One-shot delete: update tb_CommodityTempletPropertyValue set commodityId=null where commodityId=?
13:31:01,359 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:548 - Static SQL for collection: com.hibernate.pojo.PageCategory.children
13:31:01,359 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:550 -  Row insert: update tb_pageCategory set pid=? where id=?
13:31:01,359 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:556 -  Row delete: update tb_pageCategory set pid=null where pid=? and id=?
13:31:01,359 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:559 -  One-shot delete: update tb_pageCategory set pid=null where pid=?
13:31:01,359 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:548 - Static SQL for collection: com.hibernate.pojo.Commodity.price
13:31:01,359 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:550 -  Row insert: update tb_price set commodityId=? where id=?
13:31:01,359 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:556 -  Row delete: update tb_price set commodityId=null where commodityId=? and id=?
13:31:01,359 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:559 -  One-shot delete: update tb_price set commodityId=null where commodityId=?
13:31:01,359 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:548 - Static SQL for collection: com.hibernate.pojo.PageText.pageCategory
13:31:01,359 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:550 -  Row insert: insert into pageText_pageCategory (pageTextId, pageCategoryId) values (?, ?)
13:31:01,359 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:553 -  Row update: update pageText_pageCategory set pageCategoryId=? where pageTextId=? and pageCategoryId=?
13:31:01,359 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:556 -  Row delete: delete from pageText_pageCategory where pageTextId=? and pageCategoryId=?
13:31:01,359 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:559 -  One-shot delete: delete from pageText_pageCategory where pageTextId=?
13:31:01,359 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:548 - Static SQL for collection: com.hibernate.pojo.Popedom.admin
13:31:01,375 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:550 -  Row insert: insert into admin_popedom (popedomId, adminId) values (?, ?)
13:31:01,375 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:553 -  Row update: update admin_popedom set adminId=? where popedomId=? and adminId=?
13:31:01,375 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:556 -  Row delete: delete from admin_popedom where popedomId=? and adminId=?
13:31:01,375 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:559 -  One-shot delete: delete from admin_popedom where popedomId=?
13:31:01,375 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:548 - Static SQL for collection: com.hibernate.pojo.PageCategory.pageTextUrl
13:31:01,375 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:550 -  Row insert: insert into pageTextUrl_pageCategory (pageCategoryId, pageTextUrlId) values (?, ?)
13:31:01,375 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:553 -  Row update: update pageTextUrl_pageCategory set pageTextUrlId=? where pageCategoryId=? and pageTextUrlId=?
13:31:01,375 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:556 -  Row delete: delete from pageTextUrl_pageCategory where pageCategoryId=? and pageTextUrlId=?
13:31:01,375 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:559 -  One-shot delete: delete from pageTextUrl_pageCategory where pageCategoryId=?
13:31:01,375 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:548 - Static SQL for collection: com.hibernate.pojo.PageTextDown.pageCategory
13:31:01,375 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:550 -  Row insert: insert into pageTextDown_pageCategory (pageTextDownId, pageCategoryId) values (?, ?)
13:31:01,375 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:553 -  Row update: update pageTextDown_pageCategory set pageCategoryId=? where pageTextDownId=? and pageCategoryId=?
13:31:01,375 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:556 -  Row delete: delete from pageTextDown_pageCategory where pageTextDownId=? and pageCategoryId=?
13:31:01,390 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:559 -  One-shot delete: delete from pageTextDown_pageCategory where pageTextDownId=?
13:31:01,390 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:548 - Static SQL for collection: com.hibernate.pojo.Commodity.gift
13:31:01,390 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:550 -  Row insert: insert into commodity_gift (commodityId, giftId) values (?, ?)
13:31:01,390 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:553 -  Row update: update commodity_gift set giftId=? where commodityId=? and giftId=?
13:31:01,390 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:556 -  Row delete: delete from commodity_gift where commodityId=? and giftId=?
13:31:01,390 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:559 -  One-shot delete: delete from commodity_gift where commodityId=?
13:31:01,390 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:548 - Static SQL for collection: com.hibernate.pojo.Popedom.children
13:31:01,390 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:550 -  Row insert: update tb_popedom set pid=? where id=?
13:31:01,390 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:556 -  Row delete: update tb_popedom set pid=null where pid=? and id=?
13:31:01,390 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:559 -  One-shot delete: update tb_popedom set pid=null where pid=?
13:31:01,390 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:548 - Static SQL for collection: com.hibernate.pojo.Commodity.messageBoard
13:31:01,390 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:550 -  Row insert: update tb_MessageBoard set commodityId=? where id=?
13:31:01,390 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:556 -  Row delete: update tb_MessageBoard set commodityId=null where commodityId=? and id=?
13:31:01,390 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:559 -  One-shot delete: update tb_MessageBoard set commodityId=null where commodityId=?
13:31:01,500 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.BoundSale: select boundsale0_.id as id3_0_ from tb_boundSale boundsale0_ where boundsale0_.id=?
13:31:01,500 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.BoundSale: select boundsale0_.id as id3_0_ from tb_boundSale boundsale0_ where boundsale0_.id=?
13:31:01,500 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.BoundSale: select boundsale0_.id as id3_0_ from tb_boundSale boundsale0_ where boundsale0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,500 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.BoundSale: select boundsale0_.id as id3_0_ from tb_boundSale boundsale0_ where boundsale0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,500 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.BoundSale: select boundsale0_.id as id3_0_ from tb_boundSale boundsale0_ where boundsale0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,578 DEBUG EntityLoader:34 - Static select for action ACTION_MERGE on entity com.hibernate.pojo.BoundSale: select boundsale0_.id as id3_0_ from tb_boundSale boundsale0_ where boundsale0_.id=?
13:31:01,578 DEBUG EntityLoader:34 - Static select for action ACTION_REFRESH on entity com.hibernate.pojo.BoundSale: select boundsale0_.id as id3_0_ from tb_boundSale boundsale0_ where boundsale0_.id=?
13:31:01,578 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.CommodityTempletPropertyValue: select commodityt0_.id as id10_0_, commodityt0_.value as value10_0_, commodityt0_.price as price10_0_, commodityt0_.commodityId as commodit4_10_0_, commodityt0_.CommodityTempletPropertyNameId as Commodit5_10_0_ from tb_CommodityTempletPropertyValue commodityt0_ where commodityt0_.id=?
13:31:01,578 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.CommodityTempletPropertyValue: select commodityt0_.id as id10_0_, commodityt0_.value as value10_0_, commodityt0_.price as price10_0_, commodityt0_.commodityId as commodit4_10_0_, commodityt0_.CommodityTempletPropertyNameId as Commodit5_10_0_ from tb_CommodityTempletPropertyValue commodityt0_ where commodityt0_.id=?
13:31:01,578 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.CommodityTempletPropertyValue: select commodityt0_.id as id10_0_, commodityt0_.value as value10_0_, commodityt0_.price as price10_0_, commodityt0_.commodityId as commodit4_10_0_, commodityt0_.CommodityTempletPropertyNameId as Commodit5_10_0_ from tb_CommodityTempletPropertyValue commodityt0_ where commodityt0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,578 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.CommodityTempletPropertyValue: select commodityt0_.id as id10_0_, commodityt0_.value as value10_0_, commodityt0_.price as price10_0_, commodityt0_.commodityId as commodit4_10_0_, commodityt0_.CommodityTempletPropertyNameId as Commodit5_10_0_ from tb_CommodityTempletPropertyValue commodityt0_ where commodityt0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,578 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.CommodityTempletPropertyValue: select commodityt0_.id as id10_0_, commodityt0_.value as value10_0_, commodityt0_.price as price10_0_, commodityt0_.commodityId as commodit4_10_0_, commodityt0_.CommodityTempletPropertyNameId as Commodit5_10_0_ from tb_CommodityTempletPropertyValue commodityt0_ where commodityt0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,593 DEBUG EntityLoader:34 - Static select for action ACTION_MERGE on entity com.hibernate.pojo.CommodityTempletPropertyValue: select commodityt0_.id as id10_0_, commodityt0_.value as value10_0_, commodityt0_.price as price10_0_, commodityt0_.commodityId as commodit4_10_0_, commodityt0_.CommodityTempletPropertyNameId as Commodit5_10_0_ from tb_CommodityTempletPropertyValue commodityt0_ where commodityt0_.id=?
13:31:01,593 DEBUG EntityLoader:34 - Static select for action ACTION_REFRESH on entity com.hibernate.pojo.CommodityTempletPropertyValue: select commodityt0_.id as id10_0_, commodityt0_.value as value10_0_, commodityt0_.price as price10_0_, commodityt0_.commodityId as commodit4_10_0_, commodityt0_.CommodityTempletPropertyNameId as Commodit5_10_0_ from tb_CommodityTempletPropertyValue commodityt0_ where commodityt0_.id=?
13:31:01,593 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.Admin: select admin0_.id as id1_0_, admin0_.userName as userName1_0_, admin0_.passWord as passWord1_0_, admin0_.createDate as createDate1_0_ from tb_admin admin0_ where admin0_.id=?
13:31:01,593 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.Admin: select admin0_.id as id1_0_, admin0_.userName as userName1_0_, admin0_.passWord as passWord1_0_, admin0_.createDate as createDate1_0_ from tb_admin admin0_ where admin0_.id=?
13:31:01,593 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.Admin: select admin0_.id as id1_0_, admin0_.userName as userName1_0_, admin0_.passWord as passWord1_0_, admin0_.createDate as createDate1_0_ from tb_admin admin0_ where admin0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,593 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.Admin: select admin0_.id as id1_0_, admin0_.userName as userName1_0_, admin0_.passWord as passWord1_0_, admin0_.createDate as createDate1_0_ from tb_admin admin0_ where admin0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,593 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.Admin: select admin0_.id as id1_0_, admin0_.userName as userName1_0_, admin0_.passWord as passWord1_0_, admin0_.createDate as createDate1_0_ from tb_admin admin0_ where admin0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,593 DEBUG EntityLoader:34 - Static select for action ACTION_MERGE on entity com.hibernate.pojo.Admin: select admin0_.id as id1_0_, admin0_.userName as userName1_0_, admin0_.passWord as passWord1_0_, admin0_.createDate as createDate1_0_ from tb_admin admin0_ where admin0_.id=?
13:31:01,593 DEBUG EntityLoader:34 - Static select for action ACTION_REFRESH on entity com.hibernate.pojo.Admin: select admin0_.id as id1_0_, admin0_.userName as userName1_0_, admin0_.passWord as passWord1_0_, admin0_.createDate as createDate1_0_ from tb_admin admin0_ where admin0_.id=?
13:31:01,593 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.AddrCategory: select addrcatego0_.id as id0_0_, addrcatego0_.name as name0_0_, addrcatego0_.description as descript3_0_0_, addrcatego0_.level as level0_0_, addrcatego0_.leaf as leaf0_0_, addrcatego0_.pid as pid0_0_ from tb_addrCategory addrcatego0_ where addrcatego0_.id=?
13:31:01,609 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.AddrCategory: select addrcatego0_.id as id0_0_, addrcatego0_.name as name0_0_, addrcatego0_.description as descript3_0_0_, addrcatego0_.level as level0_0_, addrcatego0_.leaf as leaf0_0_, addrcatego0_.pid as pid0_0_ from tb_addrCategory addrcatego0_ where addrcatego0_.id=?
13:31:01,609 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.AddrCategory: select addrcatego0_.id as id0_0_, addrcatego0_.name as name0_0_, addrcatego0_.description as descript3_0_0_, addrcatego0_.level as level0_0_, addrcatego0_.leaf as leaf0_0_, addrcatego0_.pid as pid0_0_ from tb_addrCategory addrcatego0_ where addrcatego0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,609 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.AddrCategory: select addrcatego0_.id as id0_0_, addrcatego0_.name as name0_0_, addrcatego0_.description as descript3_0_0_, addrcatego0_.level as level0_0_, addrcatego0_.leaf as leaf0_0_, addrcatego0_.pid as pid0_0_ from tb_addrCategory addrcatego0_ where addrcatego0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,609 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.AddrCategory: select addrcatego0_.id as id0_0_, addrcatego0_.name as name0_0_, addrcatego0_.description as descript3_0_0_, addrcatego0_.level as level0_0_, addrcatego0_.leaf as leaf0_0_, addrcatego0_.pid as pid0_0_ from tb_addrCategory addrcatego0_ where addrcatego0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,609 DEBUG EntityLoader:34 - Static select for action ACTION_MERGE on entity com.hibernate.pojo.AddrCategory: select addrcatego0_.id as id0_0_, addrcatego0_.name as name0_0_, addrcatego0_.description as descript3_0_0_, addrcatego0_.level as level0_0_, addrcatego0_.leaf as leaf0_0_, addrcatego0_.pid as pid0_0_ from tb_addrCategory addrcatego0_ where addrcatego0_.id=?
13:31:01,609 DEBUG EntityLoader:34 - Static select for action ACTION_REFRESH on entity com.hibernate.pojo.AddrCategory: select addrcatego0_.id as id0_0_, addrcatego0_.name as name0_0_, addrcatego0_.description as descript3_0_0_, addrcatego0_.level as level0_0_, addrcatego0_.leaf as leaf0_0_, addrcatego0_.pid as pid0_0_ from tb_addrCategory addrcatego0_ where addrcatego0_.id=?
13:31:01,609 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.Text: select text0_.id as id25_0_, text0_.text as text25_0_, text0_.pageNumber as pageNumber25_0_, text0_.ptextId as ptextId25_0_ from tb_text text0_ where text0_.id=?
13:31:01,609 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.Text: select text0_.id as id25_0_, text0_.text as text25_0_, text0_.pageNumber as pageNumber25_0_, text0_.ptextId as ptextId25_0_ from tb_text text0_ where text0_.id=?
13:31:01,609 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.Text: select text0_.id as id25_0_, text0_.text as text25_0_, text0_.pageNumber as pageNumber25_0_, text0_.ptextId as ptextId25_0_ from tb_text text0_ where text0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,609 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.Text: select text0_.id as id25_0_, text0_.text as text25_0_, text0_.pageNumber as pageNumber25_0_, text0_.ptextId as ptextId25_0_ from tb_text text0_ where text0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,625 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.Text: select text0_.id as id25_0_, text0_.text as text25_0_, text0_.pageNumber as pageNumber25_0_, text0_.ptextId as ptextId25_0_ from tb_text text0_ where text0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,625 DEBUG EntityLoader:34 - Static select for action ACTION_MERGE on entity com.hibernate.pojo.Text: select text0_.id as id25_0_, text0_.text as text25_0_, text0_.pageNumber as pageNumber25_0_, text0_.ptextId as ptextId25_0_ from tb_text text0_ where text0_.id=?
13:31:01,625 DEBUG EntityLoader:34 - Static select for action ACTION_REFRESH on entity com.hibernate.pojo.Text: select text0_.id as id25_0_, text0_.text as text25_0_, text0_.pageNumber as pageNumber25_0_, text0_.ptextId as ptextId25_0_ from tb_text text0_ where text0_.id=?
13:31:01,625 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.Category: select category0_.id as id4_0_, category0_.name as name4_0_, category0_.description as descript3_4_0_, category0_.level as level4_0_, category0_.leaf as leaf4_0_, category0_.pid as pid4_0_ from tb_category category0_ where category0_.id=?
13:31:01,625 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.Category: select category0_.id as id4_0_, category0_.name as name4_0_, category0_.description as descript3_4_0_, category0_.level as level4_0_, category0_.leaf as leaf4_0_, category0_.pid as pid4_0_ from tb_category category0_ where category0_.id=?
13:31:01,625 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.Category: select category0_.id as id4_0_, category0_.name as name4_0_, category0_.description as descript3_4_0_, category0_.level as level4_0_, category0_.leaf as leaf4_0_, category0_.pid as pid4_0_ from tb_category category0_ where category0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,625 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.Category: select category0_.id as id4_0_, category0_.name as name4_0_, category0_.description as descript3_4_0_, category0_.level as level4_0_, category0_.leaf as leaf4_0_, category0_.pid as pid4_0_ from tb_category category0_ where category0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,625 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.Category: select category0_.id as id4_0_, category0_.name as name4_0_, category0_.description as descript3_4_0_, category0_.level as level4_0_, category0_.leaf as leaf4_0_, category0_.pid as pid4_0_ from tb_category category0_ where category0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,625 DEBUG EntityLoader:34 - Static select for action ACTION_MERGE on entity com.hibernate.pojo.Category: select category0_.id as id4_0_, category0_.name as name4_0_, category0_.description as descript3_4_0_, category0_.level as level4_0_, category0_.leaf as leaf4_0_, category0_.pid as pid4_0_ from tb_category category0_ where category0_.id=?
13:31:01,625 DEBUG EntityLoader:34 - Static select for action ACTION_REFRESH on entity com.hibernate.pojo.Category: select category0_.id as id4_0_, category0_.name as name4_0_, category0_.description as descript3_4_0_, category0_.level as level4_0_, category0_.leaf as leaf4_0_, category0_.pid as pid4_0_ from tb_category category0_ where category0_.id=?
13:31:01,625 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.OrderForm: select orderform0_.id as id13_0_, orderform0_.orderNumber as orderNum2_13_0_, orderform0_.createDate as createDate13_0_, orderform0_.userId as userId13_0_, orderform0_.wayOfContactId as wayOfCon5_13_0_ from tb_orderForm orderform0_ where orderform0_.id=?
13:31:01,640 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.OrderForm: select orderform0_.id as id13_0_, orderform0_.orderNumber as orderNum2_13_0_, orderform0_.createDate as createDate13_0_, orderform0_.userId as userId13_0_, orderform0_.wayOfContactId as wayOfCon5_13_0_ from tb_orderForm orderform0_ where orderform0_.id=?
13:31:01,640 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.OrderForm: select orderform0_.id as id13_0_, orderform0_.orderNumber as orderNum2_13_0_, orderform0_.createDate as createDate13_0_, orderform0_.userId as userId13_0_, orderform0_.wayOfContactId as wayOfCon5_13_0_ from tb_orderForm orderform0_ where orderform0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,640 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.OrderForm: select orderform0_.id as id13_0_, orderform0_.orderNumber as orderNum2_13_0_, orderform0_.createDate as createDate13_0_, orderform0_.userId as userId13_0_, orderform0_.wayOfContactId as wayOfCon5_13_0_ from tb_orderForm orderform0_ where orderform0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,640 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.OrderForm: select orderform0_.id as id13_0_, orderform0_.orderNumber as orderNum2_13_0_, orderform0_.createDate as createDate13_0_, orderform0_.userId as userId13_0_, orderform0_.wayOfContactId as wayOfCon5_13_0_ from tb_orderForm orderform0_ where orderform0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,640 DEBUG EntityLoader:34 - Static select for action ACTION_MERGE on entity com.hibernate.pojo.OrderForm: select orderform0_.id as id13_0_, orderform0_.orderNumber as orderNum2_13_0_, orderform0_.createDate as createDate13_0_, orderform0_.userId as userId13_0_, orderform0_.wayOfContactId as wayOfCon5_13_0_ from tb_orderForm orderform0_ where orderform0_.id=?
13:31:01,640 DEBUG EntityLoader:34 - Static select for action ACTION_REFRESH on entity com.hibernate.pojo.OrderForm: select orderform0_.id as id13_0_, orderform0_.orderNumber as orderNum2_13_0_, orderform0_.createDate as createDate13_0_, orderform0_.userId as userId13_0_, orderform0_.wayOfContactId as wayOfCon5_13_0_ from tb_orderForm orderform0_ where orderform0_.id=?
13:31:01,640 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.OrderForm: select orderform0_.id as id13_0_, orderform0_.orderNumber as orderNum2_13_0_, orderform0_.createDate as createDate13_0_, orderform0_.userId as userId13_0_, orderform0_.wayOfContactId as wayOfCon5_13_0_ from tb_orderForm orderform0_ where orderform0_.wayOfContactId=?
13:31:01,640 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.OrderColumn: select ordercolum0_.id as id12_0_, ordercolum0_.unitPrice as unitPrice12_0_, ordercolum0_.quantity as quantity12_0_, ordercolum0_.commodityId as commodit4_12_0_, ordercolum0_.orderFormId as orderFor5_12_0_ from tb_orderColumn ordercolum0_ where ordercolum0_.id=?
13:31:01,640 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.OrderColumn: select ordercolum0_.id as id12_0_, ordercolum0_.unitPrice as unitPrice12_0_, ordercolum0_.quantity as quantity12_0_, ordercolum0_.commodityId as commodit4_12_0_, ordercolum0_.orderFormId as orderFor5_12_0_ from tb_orderColumn ordercolum0_ where ordercolum0_.id=?
13:31:01,656 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.OrderColumn: select ordercolum0_.id as id12_0_, ordercolum0_.unitPrice as unitPrice12_0_, ordercolum0_.quantity as quantity12_0_, ordercolum0_.commodityId as commodit4_12_0_, ordercolum0_.orderFormId as orderFor5_12_0_ from tb_orderColumn ordercolum0_ where ordercolum0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,656 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.OrderColumn: select ordercolum0_.id as id12_0_, ordercolum0_.unitPrice as unitPrice12_0_, ordercolum0_.quantity as quantity12_0_, ordercolum0_.commodityId as commodit4_12_0_, ordercolum0_.orderFormId as orderFor5_12_0_ from tb_orderColumn ordercolum0_ where ordercolum0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,656 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.OrderColumn: select ordercolum0_.id as id12_0_, ordercolum0_.unitPrice as unitPrice12_0_, ordercolum0_.quantity as quantity12_0_, ordercolum0_.commodityId as commodit4_12_0_, ordercolum0_.orderFormId as orderFor5_12_0_ from tb_orderColumn ordercolum0_ where ordercolum0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,656 DEBUG EntityLoader:34 - Static select for action ACTION_MERGE on entity com.hibernate.pojo.OrderColumn: select ordercolum0_.id as id12_0_, ordercolum0_.unitPrice as unitPrice12_0_, ordercolum0_.quantity as quantity12_0_, ordercolum0_.commodityId as commodit4_12_0_, ordercolum0_.orderFormId as orderFor5_12_0_ from tb_orderColumn ordercolum0_ where ordercolum0_.id=?
13:31:01,656 DEBUG EntityLoader:34 - Static select for action ACTION_REFRESH on entity com.hibernate.pojo.OrderColumn: select ordercolum0_.id as id12_0_, ordercolum0_.unitPrice as unitPrice12_0_, ordercolum0_.quantity as quantity12_0_, ordercolum0_.commodityId as commodit4_12_0_, ordercolum0_.orderFormId as orderFor5_12_0_ from tb_orderColumn ordercolum0_ where ordercolum0_.id=?
13:31:01,656 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.PageTextDown: select pagetextdo0_.id as id19_0_, pagetextdo0_.name as name19_0_, pagetextdo0_.site as site19_0_, pagetextdo0_.tag as tag19_0_, pagetextdo0_.url as url19_0_, pagetextdo0_.createDate as createDate19_0_ from tb_pageTextDown pagetextdo0_ where pagetextdo0_.id=?
13:31:01,656 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.PageTextDown: select pagetextdo0_.id as id19_0_, pagetextdo0_.name as name19_0_, pagetextdo0_.site as site19_0_, pagetextdo0_.tag as tag19_0_, pagetextdo0_.url as url19_0_, pagetextdo0_.createDate as createDate19_0_ from tb_pageTextDown pagetextdo0_ where pagetextdo0_.id=?
13:31:01,656 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.PageTextDown: select pagetextdo0_.id as id19_0_, pagetextdo0_.name as name19_0_, pagetextdo0_.site as site19_0_, pagetextdo0_.tag as tag19_0_, pagetextdo0_.url as url19_0_, pagetextdo0_.createDate as createDate19_0_ from tb_pageTextDown pagetextdo0_ where pagetextdo0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,656 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.PageTextDown: select pagetextdo0_.id as id19_0_, pagetextdo0_.name as name19_0_, pagetextdo0_.site as site19_0_, pagetextdo0_.tag as tag19_0_, pagetextdo0_.url as url19_0_, pagetextdo0_.createDate as createDate19_0_ from tb_pageTextDown pagetextdo0_ where pagetextdo0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,656 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.PageTextDown: select pagetextdo0_.id as id19_0_, pagetextdo0_.name as name19_0_, pagetextdo0_.site as site19_0_, pagetextdo0_.tag as tag19_0_, pagetextdo0_.url as url19_0_, pagetextdo0_.createDate as createDate19_0_ from tb_pageTextDown pagetextdo0_ where pagetextdo0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,656 DEBUG EntityLoader:34 - Static select for action ACTION_MERGE on entity com.hibernate.pojo.PageTextDown: select pagetextdo0_.id as id19_0_, pagetextdo0_.name as name19_0_, pagetextdo0_.site as site19_0_, pagetextdo0_.tag as tag19_0_, pagetextdo0_.url as url19_0_, pagetextdo0_.createDate as createDate19_0_ from tb_pageTextDown pagetextdo0_ where pagetextdo0_.id=?
13:31:01,656 DEBUG EntityLoader:34 - Static select for action ACTION_REFRESH on entity com.hibernate.pojo.PageTextDown: select pagetextdo0_.id as id19_0_, pagetextdo0_.name as name19_0_, pagetextdo0_.site as site19_0_, pagetextdo0_.tag as tag19_0_, pagetextdo0_.url as url19_0_, pagetextdo0_.createDate as createDate19_0_ from tb_pageTextDown pagetextdo0_ where pagetextdo0_.id=?
13:31:01,671 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.PageCategory: select pagecatego0_.id as id14_0_, pagecatego0_.name as name14_0_, pagecatego0_.description as descript3_14_0_, pagecatego0_.level as level14_0_, pagecatego0_.leaf as leaf14_0_, pagecatego0_.pid as pid14_0_ from tb_pageCategory pagecatego0_ where pagecatego0_.id=?
13:31:01,671 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.PageCategory: select pagecatego0_.id as id14_0_, pagecatego0_.name as name14_0_, pagecatego0_.description as descript3_14_0_, pagecatego0_.level as level14_0_, pagecatego0_.leaf as leaf14_0_, pagecatego0_.pid as pid14_0_ from tb_pageCategory pagecatego0_ where pagecatego0_.id=?
13:31:01,671 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.PageCategory: select pagecatego0_.id as id14_0_, pagecatego0_.name as name14_0_, pagecatego0_.description as descript3_14_0_, pagecatego0_.level as level14_0_, pagecatego0_.leaf as leaf14_0_, pagecatego0_.pid as pid14_0_ from tb_pageCategory pagecatego0_ where pagecatego0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,671 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.PageCategory: select pagecatego0_.id as id14_0_, pagecatego0_.name as name14_0_, pagecatego0_.description as descript3_14_0_, pagecatego0_.level as level14_0_, pagecatego0_.leaf as leaf14_0_, pagecatego0_.pid as pid14_0_ from tb_pageCategory pagecatego0_ where pagecatego0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,671 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.PageCategory: select pagecatego0_.id as id14_0_, pagecatego0_.name as name14_0_, pagecatego0_.description as descript3_14_0_, pagecatego0_.level as level14_0_, pagecatego0_.leaf as leaf14_0_, pagecatego0_.pid as pid14_0_ from tb_pageCategory pagecatego0_ where pagecatego0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,671 DEBUG EntityLoader:34 - Static select for action ACTION_MERGE on entity com.hibernate.pojo.PageCategory: select pagecatego0_.id as id14_0_, pagecatego0_.name as name14_0_, pagecatego0_.description as descript3_14_0_, pagecatego0_.level as level14_0_, pagecatego0_.leaf as leaf14_0_, pagecatego0_.pid as pid14_0_ from tb_pageCategory pagecatego0_ where pagecatego0_.id=?
13:31:01,671 DEBUG EntityLoader:34 - Static select for action ACTION_REFRESH on entity com.hibernate.pojo.PageCategory: select pagecatego0_.id as id14_0_, pagecatego0_.name as name14_0_, pagecatego0_.description as descript3_14_0_, pagecatego0_.level as level14_0_, pagecatego0_.leaf as leaf14_0_, pagecatego0_.pid as pid14_0_ from tb_pageCategory pagecatego0_ where pagecatego0_.id=?
13:31:01,671 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.Price: select price0_.id as id23_0_, price0_.price as price23_0_, price0_.grade as grade23_0_, price0_.commodityId as commodit4_23_0_ from tb_price price0_ where price0_.id=?
13:31:01,671 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.Price: select price0_.id as id23_0_, price0_.price as price23_0_, price0_.grade as grade23_0_, price0_.commodityId as commodit4_23_0_ from tb_price price0_ where price0_.id=?
13:31:01,671 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.Price: select price0_.id as id23_0_, price0_.price as price23_0_, price0_.grade as grade23_0_, price0_.commodityId as commodit4_23_0_ from tb_price price0_ where price0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,671 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.Price: select price0_.id as id23_0_, price0_.price as price23_0_, price0_.grade as grade23_0_, price0_.commodityId as commodit4_23_0_ from tb_price price0_ where price0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,687 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.Price: select price0_.id as id23_0_, price0_.price as price23_0_, price0_.grade as grade23_0_, price0_.commodityId as commodit4_23_0_ from tb_price price0_ where price0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,687 DEBUG EntityLoader:34 - Static select for action ACTION_MERGE on entity com.hibernate.pojo.Price: select price0_.id as id23_0_, price0_.price as price23_0_, price0_.grade as grade23_0_, price0_.commodityId as commodit4_23_0_ from tb_price price0_ where price0_.id=?
13:31:01,687 DEBUG EntityLoader:34 - Static select for action ACTION_REFRESH on entity com.hibernate.pojo.Price: select price0_.id as id23_0_, price0_.price as price23_0_, price0_.grade as grade23_0_, price0_.commodityId as commodit4_23_0_ from tb_price price0_ where price0_.id=?
13:31:01,687 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.MessageBoard: select messageboa0_.id as id11_0_, messageboa0_.name as name11_0_, messageboa0_.description as descript3_11_0_, messageboa0_.good as good11_0_, messageboa0_.createDate as createDate11_0_, messageboa0_.fraction as fraction11_0_, messageboa0_.commodityId as commodit7_11_0_, messageboa0_.userId as userId11_0_ from tb_MessageBoard messageboa0_ where messageboa0_.id=?
13:31:01,687 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.MessageBoard: select messageboa0_.id as id11_0_, messageboa0_.name as name11_0_, messageboa0_.description as descript3_11_0_, messageboa0_.good as good11_0_, messageboa0_.createDate as createDate11_0_, messageboa0_.fraction as fraction11_0_, messageboa0_.commodityId as commodit7_11_0_, messageboa0_.userId as userId11_0_ from tb_MessageBoard messageboa0_ where messageboa0_.id=?
13:31:01,687 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.MessageBoard: select messageboa0_.id as id11_0_, messageboa0_.name as name11_0_, messageboa0_.description as descript3_11_0_, messageboa0_.good as good11_0_, messageboa0_.createDate as createDate11_0_, messageboa0_.fraction as fraction11_0_, messageboa0_.commodityId as commodit7_11_0_, messageboa0_.userId as userId11_0_ from tb_MessageBoard messageboa0_ where messageboa0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,687 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.MessageBoard: select messageboa0_.id as id11_0_, messageboa0_.name as name11_0_, messageboa0_.description as descript3_11_0_, messageboa0_.good as good11_0_, messageboa0_.createDate as createDate11_0_, messageboa0_.fraction as fraction11_0_, messageboa0_.commodityId as commodit7_11_0_, messageboa0_.userId as userId11_0_ from tb_MessageBoard messageboa0_ where messageboa0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,687 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.MessageBoard: select messageboa0_.id as id11_0_, messageboa0_.name as name11_0_, messageboa0_.description as descript3_11_0_, messageboa0_.good as good11_0_, messageboa0_.createDate as createDate11_0_, messageboa0_.fraction as fraction11_0_, messageboa0_.commodityId as commodit7_11_0_, messageboa0_.userId as userId11_0_ from tb_MessageBoard messageboa0_ where messageboa0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,687 DEBUG EntityLoader:34 - Static select for action ACTION_MERGE on entity com.hibernate.pojo.MessageBoard: select messageboa0_.id as id11_0_, messageboa0_.name as name11_0_, messageboa0_.description as descript3_11_0_, messageboa0_.good as good11_0_, messageboa0_.createDate as createDate11_0_, messageboa0_.fraction as fraction11_0_, messageboa0_.commodityId as commodit7_11_0_, messageboa0_.userId as userId11_0_ from tb_MessageBoard messageboa0_ where messageboa0_.id=?
13:31:01,687 DEBUG EntityLoader:34 - Static select for action ACTION_REFRESH on entity com.hibernate.pojo.MessageBoard: select messageboa0_.id as id11_0_, messageboa0_.name as name11_0_, messageboa0_.description as descript3_11_0_, messageboa0_.good as good11_0_, messageboa0_.createDate as createDate11_0_, messageboa0_.fraction as fraction11_0_, messageboa0_.commodityId as commodit7_11_0_, messageboa0_.userId as userId11_0_ from tb_MessageBoard messageboa0_ where messageboa0_.id=?
13:31:01,687 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.PopedomGallery: select popedomgal0_.id as id22_0_, popedomgal0_.name as name22_0_, popedomgal0_.uri as uri22_0_, popedomgal0_.createDate as createDate22_0_, popedomgal0_.popedomId as popedomId22_0_ from tb_popedomGallery popedomgal0_ where popedomgal0_.id=?
13:31:01,703 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.PopedomGallery: select popedomgal0_.id as id22_0_, popedomgal0_.name as name22_0_, popedomgal0_.uri as uri22_0_, popedomgal0_.createDate as createDate22_0_, popedomgal0_.popedomId as popedomId22_0_ from tb_popedomGallery popedomgal0_ where popedomgal0_.id=?
13:31:01,703 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.PopedomGallery: select popedomgal0_.id as id22_0_, popedomgal0_.name as name22_0_, popedomgal0_.uri as uri22_0_, popedomgal0_.createDate as createDate22_0_, popedomgal0_.popedomId as popedomId22_0_ from tb_popedomGallery popedomgal0_ where popedomgal0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,703 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.PopedomGallery: select popedomgal0_.id as id22_0_, popedomgal0_.name as name22_0_, popedomgal0_.uri as uri22_0_, popedomgal0_.createDate as createDate22_0_, popedomgal0_.popedomId as popedomId22_0_ from tb_popedomGallery popedomgal0_ where popedomgal0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,703 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.PopedomGallery: select popedomgal0_.id as id22_0_, popedomgal0_.name as name22_0_, popedomgal0_.uri as uri22_0_, popedomgal0_.createDate as createDate22_0_, popedomgal0_.popedomId as popedomId22_0_ from tb_popedomGallery popedomgal0_ where popedomgal0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,703 DEBUG EntityLoader:34 - Static select for action ACTION_MERGE on entity com.hibernate.pojo.PopedomGallery: select popedomgal0_.id as id22_0_, popedomgal0_.name as name22_0_, popedomgal0_.uri as uri22_0_, popedomgal0_.createDate as createDate22_0_, popedomgal0_.popedomId as popedomId22_0_ from tb_popedomGallery popedomgal0_ where popedomgal0_.id=?
13:31:01,703 DEBUG EntityLoader:34 - Static select for action ACTION_REFRESH on entity com.hibernate.pojo.PopedomGallery: select popedomgal0_.id as id22_0_, popedomgal0_.name as name22_0_, popedomgal0_.uri as uri22_0_, popedomgal0_.createDate as createDate22_0_, popedomgal0_.popedomId as popedomId22_0_ from tb_popedomGallery popedomgal0_ where popedomgal0_.id=?
13:31:01,703 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.Commodity: select commodity0_.id as id6_0_, commodity0_.name as name6_0_, commodity0_.tag as tag6_0_, commodity0_.regularPrice as regularP4_6_0_, commodity0_.boundPrice as boundPrice6_0_, commodity0_.stock as stock6_0_, commodity0_.state as state6_0_, commodity0_.site as site6_0_, commodity0_.productionPlace as producti9_6_0_, commodity0_.producer as producer6_0_, commodity0_.tpye as tpye6_0_, commodity0_.sellTheQueen as sellThe12_6_0_, commodity0_.description as descrip13_6_0_, commodity0_.categoryId as categoryId6_0_, commodity0_.relevanceId as relevan15_6_0_, commodity0_.boundSaleId as boundSa16_6_0_ from tb_commodity commodity0_ where commodity0_.id=?
13:31:01,703 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.Commodity: select commodity0_.id as id6_0_, commodity0_.name as name6_0_, commodity0_.tag as tag6_0_, commodity0_.regularPrice as regularP4_6_0_, commodity0_.boundPrice as boundPrice6_0_, commodity0_.stock as stock6_0_, commodity0_.state as state6_0_, commodity0_.site as site6_0_, commodity0_.productionPlace as producti9_6_0_, commodity0_.producer as producer6_0_, commodity0_.tpye as tpye6_0_, commodity0_.sellTheQueen as sellThe12_6_0_, commodity0_.description as descrip13_6_0_, commodity0_.categoryId as categoryId6_0_, commodity0_.relevanceId as relevan15_6_0_, commodity0_.boundSaleId as boundSa16_6_0_ from tb_commodity commodity0_ where commodity0_.id=?
13:31:01,703 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.Commodity: select commodity0_.id as id6_0_, commodity0_.name as name6_0_, commodity0_.tag as tag6_0_, commodity0_.regularPrice as regularP4_6_0_, commodity0_.boundPrice as boundPrice6_0_, commodity0_.stock as stock6_0_, commodity0_.state as state6_0_, commodity0_.site as site6_0_, commodity0_.productionPlace as producti9_6_0_, commodity0_.producer as producer6_0_, commodity0_.tpye as tpye6_0_, commodity0_.sellTheQueen as sellThe12_6_0_, commodity0_.description as descrip13_6_0_, commodity0_.categoryId as categoryId6_0_, commodity0_.relevanceId as relevan15_6_0_, commodity0_.boundSaleId as boundSa16_6_0_ from tb_commodity commodity0_ where commodity0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,718 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.Commodity: select commodity0_.id as id6_0_, commodity0_.name as name6_0_, commodity0_.tag as tag6_0_, commodity0_.regularPrice as regularP4_6_0_, commodity0_.boundPrice as boundPrice6_0_, commodity0_.stock as stock6_0_, commodity0_.state as state6_0_, commodity0_.site as site6_0_, commodity0_.productionPlace as producti9_6_0_, commodity0_.producer as producer6_0_, commodity0_.tpye as tpye6_0_, commodity0_.sellTheQueen as sellThe12_6_0_, commodity0_.description as descrip13_6_0_, commodity0_.categoryId as categoryId6_0_, commodity0_.relevanceId as relevan15_6_0_, commodity0_.boundSaleId as boundSa16_6_0_ from tb_commodity commodity0_ where commodity0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,718 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.Commodity: select commodity0_.id as id6_0_, commodity0_.name as name6_0_, commodity0_.tag as tag6_0_, commodity0_.regularPrice as regularP4_6_0_, commodity0_.boundPrice as boundPrice6_0_, commodity0_.stock as stock6_0_, commodity0_.state as state6_0_, commodity0_.site as site6_0_, commodity0_.productionPlace as producti9_6_0_, commodity0_.producer as producer6_0_, commodity0_.tpye as tpye6_0_, commodity0_.sellTheQueen as sellThe12_6_0_, commodity0_.description as descrip13_6_0_, commodity0_.categoryId as categoryId6_0_, commodity0_.relevanceId as relevan15_6_0_, commodity0_.boundSaleId as boundSa16_6_0_ from tb_commodity commodity0_ where commodity0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,718 DEBUG EntityLoader:34 - Static select for action ACTION_MERGE on entity com.hibernate.pojo.Commodity: select commodity0_.id as id6_0_, commodity0_.name as name6_0_, commodity0_.tag as tag6_0_, commodity0_.regularPrice as regularP4_6_0_, commodity0_.boundPrice as boundPrice6_0_, commodity0_.stock as stock6_0_, commodity0_.state as state6_0_, commodity0_.site as site6_0_, commodity0_.productionPlace as producti9_6_0_, commodity0_.producer as producer6_0_, commodity0_.tpye as tpye6_0_, commodity0_.sellTheQueen as sellThe12_6_0_, commodity0_.description as descrip13_6_0_, commodity0_.categoryId as categoryId6_0_, commodity0_.relevanceId as relevan15_6_0_, commodity0_.boundSaleId as boundSa16_6_0_ from tb_commodity commodity0_ where commodity0_.id=?
13:31:01,718 DEBUG EntityLoader:34 - Static select for action ACTION_REFRESH on entity com.hibernate.pojo.Commodity: select commodity0_.id as id6_0_, commodity0_.name as name6_0_, commodity0_.tag as tag6_0_, commodity0_.regularPrice as regularP4_6_0_, commodity0_.boundPrice as boundPrice6_0_, commodity0_.stock as stock6_0_, commodity0_.state as state6_0_, commodity0_.site as site6_0_, commodity0_.productionPlace as producti9_6_0_, commodity0_.producer as producer6_0_, commodity0_.tpye as tpye6_0_, commodity0_.sellTheQueen as sellThe12_6_0_, commodity0_.description as descrip13_6_0_, commodity0_.categoryId as categoryId6_0_, commodity0_.relevanceId as relevan15_6_0_, commodity0_.boundSaleId as boundSa16_6_0_ from tb_commodity commodity0_ where commodity0_.id=?
13:31:01,718 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.CommodityTemplet: select commodityt0_.id as id8_0_, commodityt0_.name as name8_0_, commodityt0_.flag as flag8_0_ from tb_commoditytemplet commodityt0_ where commodityt0_.id=?
13:31:01,718 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.CommodityTemplet: select commodityt0_.id as id8_0_, commodityt0_.name as name8_0_, commodityt0_.flag as flag8_0_ from tb_commoditytemplet commodityt0_ where commodityt0_.id=?
13:31:01,718 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.CommodityTemplet: select commodityt0_.id as id8_0_, commodityt0_.name as name8_0_, commodityt0_.flag as flag8_0_ from tb_commoditytemplet commodityt0_ where commodityt0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,734 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.CommodityTemplet: select commodityt0_.id as id8_0_, commodityt0_.name as name8_0_, commodityt0_.flag as flag8_0_ from tb_commoditytemplet commodityt0_ where commodityt0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,734 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity com.hibernate.pojo.CommodityTemplet: select commodityt0_.id as id8_0_, commodityt0_.name as name8_0_, commodityt0_.flag as flag8_0_ from tb_commoditytemplet commodityt0_ where commodityt0_.id=? for update
13:31:01,734 DEBUG EntityLoader:34 - Static select for action ACTION_MERGE on entity com.hibernate.pojo.CommodityTemplet: select commodityt0_.id as id8_0_, commodityt0_.name as name8_0_, commodityt0_.flag as flag8_0_ from tb_commoditytemplet commodityt0_ where commodityt0_.id=?
13:31:01,734 DEBUG EntityLoader:34 - Static select for action ACTION_REFRESH on entity com.hibernate.pojo.CommodityTemplet: select commodityt0_.id as id8_0_, commodityt0_.name as

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