南岛清风 2021-02-20 20:02 采纳率: 50%
浏览 74


Company. Define the hierarchy of IT company employees. Gather employees to carry out the project with a determination of its total cost.


1. Use only standard compilers and libraries.

2. When coding, conventions on the design of the code for the corresponding language should be used - code convention.

3. Use the capabilities of OOP: classes, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation.

4. Do not use the graphical interface! The application must be console.

5. Work with the console or the console menu should be minimal, since the MAIN OBJECTIVE of the TASK is to CHECK OOP PERCEPTION.

6. Use external data sources: files, DBMS

7. Transfer initialization data of objects using a constructor, function, or method (for example, for Java:

Student ob = new Student (456543, 19, "Smith");

Or use database repositories

8. Provide only the source code of the application. In addition, it is possible to explain in a free but concise form what was done and why.

Comment the whole code

9. Also, to complete the task, you need to study relational databases, and SQL.

10. package name kz.aitu.oop.practice.assignment4  (include sql ddl)

11. send it to github and commit link here. commit message - "My OOP assignment 4 - company



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  • 南岛清风 2021-02-21 19:06

     想问一下,有employees和project两个表的话,是多对一的关系,这个在java中怎么用代码表示啊?就是两个表格之间的关系,primary key和foreign key.




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