m0_54132659 2021-03-15 10:47 采纳率: 83.3%
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c/c++ (计算机系统)的编程题,请会的大佬直接留下代码


A thermometer measures the temperature at regular intervals and stores the measured temperatures (may be also negative) in the temperatures array of integers (the int type). Unfortunately, the device is somewhat unreliable, so sometimes it is not able to measure the temperature. In that case, the value stored in the array is equal to no_value constant.

Display the measured values in the array on the standard output as a horizontal bar thermometer. Each measured value will be displayed on one line. The first column of the output represents the most negative measured value (ignore no_value constant). Each additional column of the output represents a temperature 1 degree higher. The temperature will be displayed as a continuous segment of the characters * from the column representing the measured temperature to the column representing the temperature 0. Space characters are used for padding of the unused columns on the left side. If a value corresponding to the constant no_value appears in the measured values, then the last actually measured value is used instead (use 0 if there is no such value).

To simplify the input, insert the following two lines into your source code and use them as input array for measured values

constexpr int no_value = -999;
int temperatures[] { 10, 12, no_value, no_value, 20, 14, 6, -1, -5, 0, no_value, 1, -3 };

Demo output for values -1, no_value, -3, 0, 2:

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3条回答 默认 最新

  • 「已注销」 2021-03-15 11:20
    int main(void){
        constexpr int no_value = -999;
        int temperatures[] { 10, 12, no_value, no_value, 20, 14, 6, -1, -5, 0, no_value, 1, -3 };
        int templen = sizeof(temperatures)/sizeof(*temperatures);
        int tempMax,tempStart, temperMin = 999;
        for(int i = 0 ; i < templen; i++)
            if(no_value == temperatures[i])
                if(0 == i)
                    temperatures[i] = 0;
                    temperatures[i] = temperatures[i - 1];
            temperMin = temperatures[i] < temperMin ? temperatures[i] : temperMin;
        for(int i = 0 ; i < templen; i++)
            if(temperatures[i] < 0)
                tempMax = 0 ;
                tempStart = temperatures[i];
                tempMax = temperatures[i] ;
                tempStart = 0;
            for(int j = temperMin ; j <= tempMax ; j ++)
                printf(j < tempStart?" ":"*");
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