Judy020922 2021-05-17 16:48 采纳率: 100%
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import pygame
import sys
import random
from pygame.locals import *

def clear(self):
    color = self._color_sub(self.COLOR_WHITE, self.gw_bgcol)
    for x in range(self.maxx()+1):
        pygame.draw.line(self._game_window, color, (x*self.pnt_size, 0), (x*self.pnt_size, self.gw_height), 1)
    for y in range(self.maxy()+1):
        pygame.draw.line(self._game_window, color, (0, y * self.pnt_size), (self.gw_width, y*self.pnt_size), 1)

def update(self):

:param x: 正方形左上角的x坐标
:param y: 正方形左上角的y坐标
:param color: 圆形填充颜色'''
def rect(self, x, y, *color):
    pntcol = self.pnt_col
    if len(color) != 0:
        pntcol = color[0]
    if x < 0 or x > self.maxx() or y < 0 or y > self.maxy():
    self._rect(x*self.pnt_size, y*self.pnt_size, pntcol)

:param x: 圆形外接正方形左上角的x坐标
:param y: 圆形外接正方形左上角的y坐标
:param color: 圆形填充颜色'''

def circle(self, x, y, *color):
    pntcol = self.pnt_col
    if len(color) != 0:
        pntcol = color[0]
    if x < 0 or x > self.maxx() or y < 0 or y > self.maxy():
    x = x*self.pnt_size
    y = y*self.pnt_size
    self._circle(x, y, x+self.pnt_size, y+self.pnt_size, pntcol)

def event(self):
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            return self.EVENT_QUIT
        elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:  # KEYUP:
            if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT or event.key == pygame.K_a:
                return self.EVENT_KLEFT
            elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT or event.key == pygame.K_d:
                return self.EVENT_KRIGHT
            elif event.key == pygame.K_UP or event.key == pygame.K_w:
                return self.EVENT_KUP
            elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN or event.key == pygame.K_s:
                return self.EVENT_KDOWN
            elif event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
                return self.EVENT_STOP
            elif event.key == pygame.K_F1:
                return self.EVENT_ADD
            elif event.key == pygame.K_F2:
                return self.EVENT_SUB
            elif event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
                return self.EVENT_QUIT
            elif event.key == pygame.K_F3:
                return self.EVENT_KING
    return self.EVENT_NONE

def __init__(self, s_len=5, s_width=40, s_height=20):  # (640/20 - 1, 480/20 -1)
    self.s_width = s_width
    self.s_height = s_height
    self.s_life = self.SNAKE_LIFE
    self._dir = self.DIR_RIGHT
    self.s_king = False # 无敌模式
    self.s_list = [] # 保存贪吃蛇蛇身坐标(s_list[0]保存食物,s_list[1]保存蛇头,其他保存蛇身)
    self.s_wall = [] # 保存墙的坐标
    self._create_wall() # 创建一堵墙, 强的位置随机, 方向随机, 长度最大为5
    self.s_map = self._map_create(self.BODY_NONE) # 保存贪吃蛇地图,所有的游戏元素都要填充到地图中,然后统一绘制到屏幕上
    # create a food, food = list[0]
    _s_food = self._create_body() # 创建一个随机的坐标,标记为食物
    # creat a head, head = list[1]
    self._s_head = self._create_body() # 创建一个随机的坐标,标记为蛇头
    # create body and add body to list
    for _ in range(s_len-1): # 蛇身的坐标通过蛇头的坐标和蛇的方向计算得来
        self._s_head = (self._s_head[0]-1, self._s_head[1])
    # print(self.s_list)
    self.s_score = 0  # len(self.s_list) # 游戏得分,吃一个食物得一分

:param pen: window对象'''
def show(self, pen):
    for x in range(self.s_width):
        for y in range(self.s_height):
            if self.s_map[x][y] != self.BODY_NONE:
                if self.s_map[x][y] == self.BODY_FOOD:
                    pen.circle(x, y, pen.COLOR_BLUE)  # draw food
                if self.s_map[x][y] == self.BODY_HEAD:
                    pen.rect(x, y, pen.COLOR_RED)  # draw head
                if self.s_map[x][y] == self.BODY_SNAKE:
                    pen.rect(x, y, pen.COLOR_GREEN)  # draw snake
                if self.s_map[x][y] == self.BODY_WALL:
                    pen.rect(x, y, pen.COLOR_BLACK)  # draw snake

def draw(self):
    x = 0
    y = 0
    self._map_init(self.s_map, self.BODY_NONE)
    if len(self.s_list) != 0:
        x = self.s_list[0][0]
        y = self.s_list[0][1]
        if x >= 0 and x < self.s_width and y >= 0 and y < self.s_height:
            self.s_map[x][y] = self.BODY_FOOD  # draw food
        x = self.s_list[1][0]
        y = self.s_list[1][1]
        if x >= 0 and x < self.s_width and y >= 0 and y < self.s_height:
            self.s_map[x][y] = self.BODY_HEAD  # draw head
        for s in range(2, len(self.s_list)):  # draw snake
            x = self.s_list[s][0]
            y = self.s_list[s][1]
            if x >= 0 and x < self.s_width and y >= 0 and y < self.s_height:
                self.s_map[x][y] = self.BODY_SNAKE
    if len(self.s_wall) != 0:
        for w in self.s_wall:
            x = w[0]
            y = w[1]
            if x >= 0 and x < self.s_width and y >= 0 and y < self.s_height:
                self.s_map[x][y] = self.BODY_WALL

#:param dir: 蛇移动方向

def move(self, dir):
    if self._check_dir(self._dir, dir):
        self._dir = dir
    head = self.s_list[1]  # save head
    last = self.s_list[-1]  # save tail
    # move the snake body fowward(copy list[n-1] to list[n])
    for idx in range(len(self.s_list)-1, 1, -1):
        self.s_list[idx] = self.s_list[idx-1]
    head_t = self._add_xy(head, self._dir)  # new head
    # check snake head(cross wall)
    if head_t[0] < 0:
        head_t[0] = self.s_width - 1
    elif head_t[0] > self.s_width - 1:
        head_t[0] = 0
    if head_t[1] < 0:
        head_t[1] = self.s_height - 1
    elif head_t[1] > self.s_height - 1:
        head_t[1] = 0
    chk, bd = self._check_body(head_t)  # check the head
    # if bd != self.BODY_NONE:
    #    print(chk, bd)
    if chk == True and bd != self.BODY_NONE:
        if bd == self.BODY_HEAD or bd == self.BODY_SNAKE or bd == self.BODY_WALL:  # eat yourself or wall
            if self.s_king != True:  # 无敌模式
                self.s_life = self.SNAKE_DIE  # die
                return self.s_life
        else:  # eat food
            self.s_list.append(last)  # body growth
            self.s_score = self.s_score + 1  # add score
            if self.s_score % 10 == 0:  # 每吃10个食物增加一面墙
            food = self._create_body()  # create food
            if food == None:  # no space to create food
                self.s_life = self.SNAKE_WIN
                return self.s_life
            self.s_list[0] = food
    self.s_list[1] = head_t  # update head
    if len(self.s_list) == ((self.s_width * self.s_height)):
        self.s_life = self.SNAKE_WIN
    return self.s_life

def game_run(snake):
    global dir
    global stop
    global speed
    delay = 1.5
    while True:
        if stop != True:
            life = snake.move(dir)
            if life != snake.SNAKE_LIFE:
                break  # die, exit
        delay = 1 - speed * 0.05
        if delay < 0.05:
            delay = 0.05

def game_init():
    if __name__ == '__main__':
       snake, window = game_init()
    # 创建新线程,在新线程中允许和绘制贪吃蛇
       gt = threading.Thread(target=game_run, args=(snake,))
    # 主线程用于检测按键事件
       while True:
           event = window.event()
           if event != window.EVENT_NONE:
               if event == window.EVENT_QUIT:  # ESC退出
               elif event == window.EVENT_KUP or \
                    event == window.EVENT_KDOWN or \
                    event == window.EVENT_KLEFT or \
                    event == window.EVENT_KRIGHT:  # 方向键控制贪吃蛇移动
                   dir = event
               elif event == window.EVENT_STOP:#空格键暂停和继续
                   if stop == False:
                       stop = True
                       stop = False
                #print(dir, snake.s_life)
               elif event == window.EVENT_ADD:  # F1速度加
                   speed = speed + 1
               elif event == window.EVENT_SUB:  # F2速度减
                   speed = speed - 1
               elif event == window.EVENT_KING:  # F3无敌模式
                   if snake.s_king == True:
                       snake.s_king = False
                       snake.s_king = True
           if snake.s_life != snake.SNAKE_LIFE: # 如果贪吃蛇死亡则退出游戏
           if score != snake.s_score: # 每得10分速度增加一个等级
               score = snake.s_score
               if(score % 10 == 0):
                   speed = speed + 1
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