weixin_58736089 2021-05-29 12:53 采纳率: 0%
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  • 山外有山a 2024-04-22 09:13

    The image shows a mathematical problem and its solution. Here is the code for the problem:

    max Z = 6 + 15 * (Xi - 3) + m - 9 / Xi
    m >= Xi <= 4 + 6%
    Xi <= 3 (n = 0/1)
    m <= 355 / Xi <= 3 (n = 1/m)
    Xi >= 3 (n = 1/m)
    Xm + 1 <= 3 (n = 1/m)
    Xm + 1 >= 3 (n = 1/m)
    Xm + 1 <= R (n = 1/m)
    Xm + 1 >= R (n = 1/m)
    n = 0 or n = 1
    m >= 0

    Note that this code represents the constraints of the problem, but it does not solve the problem. To solve the problem, you would need to use optimization software such as CPLEX or Gurobi.




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