weixin_47386125 2021-06-07 12:35 采纳率: 100%
浏览 48


# #贝叶斯分类器

from numpy import diag,dot,prod,exp,pi,sqrt

def guass(m,v,x):
     if len(x.shape)==1:
         n,d =1,x.shape[0]
         n,d =x.shape
     S =diag(1/v)
     x =x-m
     y =exp(-0.5*diag(x,dot(S,x.T)))
     return y*(2*pi)**(-d/2.0)/(sqrt(prod(v))+1e-6)
from numpy import mean,var,array
# from scipy import array
class BayesClassifier(object):
     def __init__(self):
         self.labels = []
         self.mean = []
         self.var =[]
         self.n= 0

     def train(self,data,labels=None):
         if labels==None:
             labels =range(len(data))
         self.labels =labels
         self.n =len(labels)
         for c in data:
             self.mean.append(mean(c,axis =0))
             self.var.append(var(c,axis = 0))

     def classify(self,points):
         est_prob =array([guass(m,v,points)for m ,v in zip(self.mean,self.var)])
         ndx = est_prob.argmax(axis=0)
         est_labels = array([self.labels[n] for n in ndx])
         return est_labels,est_prob


from pygraph.classes.digraph import digraph
from pygraph.algorithms.minmax import maximum_flow
from bayes import BayesClassifier

Graph Cut image segmentation using max-flow/min-cut. 

def build_bayes_graph(im, labels, sigma=1e2, kappa=1):
    """    Build a graph from 4-neighborhood of pixels.
        Foreground and background is determined from
        labels (1 for foreground, -1 for background, 0 otherwise)
        and is modeled with naive Bayes classifiers."""

    m, n = im.shape[:2]

    # RGB vector version (one pixel per row)
    vim = im.reshape((-1, 3))

    # RGB for foreground and background
    foreground = im[labels == 1].reshape((-1, 3))
    background = im[labels == -1].reshape((-1, 3))
    train_data = [foreground, background]

    # train naive Bayes classifierbc
    bc =BayesClassifier()

    # get probabilities for all pixels
    bc_lables, prob = bc.classify(vim)
    prob_fg = prob[0]
    prob_bg = prob[1]

    # create graph with m*n+2 nodes
    gr = digraph()
    gr.add_nodes(range(m * n + 2))

    source = m * n  # second to last is source
    sink = m * n + 1  # last node is sink

    # normalize
    for i in range(vim.shape[0]):
        vim[i] = vim[i] / (linalg.norm(vim[i]) + 1e-9)

    # go through all nodes and add edges
    for i in range(m * n):
        # add edge from source
        gr.add_edge((source, i), wt=(prob_fg[i] / (prob_fg[i] + prob_bg[i])))

        # add edge to sink
        gr.add_edge((i, sink), wt=(prob_bg[i] / (prob_fg[i] + prob_bg[i])))

        # add edges to neighbors
        if i % n != 0:  # left exists
            edge_wt = kappa * exp(-1.0 * sum((vim[i] - vim[i - 1]) ** 2) / sigma)
            gr.add_edge((i, i - 1), wt=edge_wt)
        if (i + 1) % n != 0:  # right exists
            edge_wt = kappa * exp(-1.0 * sum((vim[i] - vim[i + 1]) ** 2) / sigma)
            gr.add_edge((i, i + 1), wt=edge_wt)
        if i // n != 0:  # up exists
            edge_wt = kappa * exp(-1.0 * sum((vim[i] - vim[i - n]) ** 2) / sigma)
            gr.add_edge((i, i - n), wt=edge_wt)
        if i // n != m - 1:  # down exists
            edge_wt = kappa * exp(-1.0 * sum((vim[i] - vim[i + n]) ** 2) / sigma)
            gr.add_edge((i, i + n), wt=edge_wt)

    return gr

def cut_graph(gr, imsize):
    """    Solve max flow of graph gr and return binary
        labels of the resulting segmentation."""

    m, n = imsize
    source = m * n  # second to last is source
    sink = m * n + 1  # last is sink

    # cut the graph
    flows, cuts = maximum_flow(gr, source, sink)

    # convert graph to image with labels
    res = zeros(m * n)
    for pos, label in list(cuts.items())[:-2]:  # don't add source/sink
        res[pos] = label

    return res.reshape((m, n))

def save_as_pdf(gr, filename, show_weights=False):
    from pygraph.readwrite.dot import write
    import graphviz as gv
    dot = write(gr, weighted=show_weights)
    gvv = gv.readstring(dot)
    gv.layout(gvv, 'fdp')
    gv.render(gvv, 'pdf', filename)

def show_labeling(im, labels):
    """    Show image with foreground and background areas.
        labels = 1 for foreground, -1 for background, 0 otherwise."""

    contour(labels, [-0.5, 0.5])
    contourf(labels, [-1, -0.5], colors='b', alpha=0.25)
    contourf(labels, [0.5, 1], colors='r', alpha=0.25)
    # axis('off')

from scipy.misc import imresize
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
from pylab import *
from skimage import transform

im = array(Image.open("cat.jpg"))
im =imresize(im,0.07)
size = im.shape[:2]
print ("OK!!")

# add two rectangular training regions
labels = zeros(size)
labels[3:18, 3:18] = -1
labels[-18:-3, -18:-3] = 1
print ("OK!!")

# create graph
g = build_bayes_graph(im, labels, kappa=1)

# cut the graph
res = cut_graph(g, size)
print ("OK!!")

show_labeling(im, labels)




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3条回答 默认 最新

  • weixin_47386125 2021-06-07 18:26

    解决了y =exp(-0.5*diag(x,dot(S,x.T)))少了一个括号

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