Get segyio
A copy of segyio is available both as pre-built binaries and source code:
In Debian unstable
apt install python3-segyio
Wheels for Python from PyPI
pip install segyio
Source code from github
git clone https://github.com/statoil/segyio
Source code in tarballs
Build segyio
To build segyio you need:
A C99 compatible C compiler (tested mostly on gcc and clang)
A C++ compiler for the Python extension, and C++11 for the tests
CMake version 2.8.12 or greater
Python 2.7 or 3.x.
numpy version 1.10 or greater
setuptools version 28 or greater
To build the documentation, you also need sphinx
To build and install segyio, perform the following actions in your console:
git clone https://github.com/Statoil/segyio
mkdir segyio/build
cd segyio/build
make install
我pip install 这个segyio包不是就可以用了吗?还需要build吗?这个build是什么意思呢?