weixin_39895481的博客I am successfully marshaling a POJO into JSON using JAX-RS and JAXB annotations.The problem is that when I am trying to use the same for un-marshalling my request it doesn’t work. As far as I can see...
精神心理何日辉的博客在jaxbunmarshall项目中找不到具有默认根元素的描述符(Descriptor with default root element was not found in the project jaxbunmarshall)我在xml文件中有root元素,如下所示:和XSD标题如下:targetNamespace=...
rwwwwwwww的博客I am trying to unmarshall the below XML STRING to a java class. The requirement is only to grab some elements and not all:xmlns="http://www.loc.gov/zing/srw/"xmlns:srw5="info:srw/extension...