Great Expectations H 2021-10-19 10:37
浏览 68

zernike系数拟合方式:annular standard fringe Seidel 的区别是什么?各自应用在哪些方式?

  1. Annular Zernike polynomials: Annular Zernike polynomials are based on diffraction theory  and take into account the presence of the central obscuration  in the pupil. They are the  most general form of Zernike polynomials. They are normally used in astronomical  wavefront sensors (like Puntino), to take into account the obscuration by the secondary  mirror of the telescope
  1. Standard Zernike polynomials: Standard Zernike polynomials follow from Annular Zernike polynomials, with the central obscuration factor, and are normalized over the pupil
  2. Fringe Zernike polynomials: Fringe Zernike polynomials are the same as Standard Zernike polynomials without the normalization factors. They are mainly used in the field of interferometry (as suggested by the name)
  3. Seidel polynomials: The Seidel polynomials are the extension of Seidel aberrations from geometrical optics





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