小阿阳啊 2022-01-18 15:03 采纳率: 100%
浏览 1625



Debugger attached.

> orderreconciliation@0.0.0 start
> ng serve

Debugger attached.
(node:19444) [DEP0111] DeprecationWarning: Access to process.binding('http_parser') is deprecated.
(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
** Angular Live Development Server is listening on localhost:4200, open your browser on http://localhost:4200/ **
  0% compilingDebugger attached.
 11% building modules 9/12 modules 3 active ...5.0.9\laydate\theme\default\laydate.cssBrowserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run next command `npm update`
Date: 2022-01-18T06:55:30.534Z
Hash: f198538fb4fe3bf85c33    
Time: 13550ms
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ERROR in node_modules/@ngx-translate/core/lib/translate.directive.d.ts(14,9): error TS1086: An accessor cannot be declared in an ambient context.
node_modules/@ngx-translate/core/lib/translate.directive.d.ts(15,9): error TS1086: An accessor cannot be declared in an ambient context.
node_modules/@ngx-translate/core/lib/translate.service.d.ts(49,9): error TS1086: An accessor cannot be declared in an ambient context.
node_modules/@ngx-translate/core/lib/translate.service.d.ts(56,9): error TS1086: An accessor cannot be declared in an ambient context.
node_modules/@ngx-translate/core/lib/translate.service.d.ts(63,9): error TS1086: An accessor cannot be declared in an ambient context.
node_modules/@ngx-translate/core/lib/translate.service.d.ts(67,9): error TS1086: An accessor cannot be declared in an ambient context.
node_modules/@ngx-translate/core/lib/translate.service.d.ts(68,9): error TS1086: An accessor cannot be declared in an ambient context.
node_modules/@ngx-translate/core/lib/translate.service.d.ts(72,9): error TS1086: An accessor cannot be declared in an ambient context.
node_modules/@ngx-translate/core/lib/translate.service.d.ts(73,9): error TS1086: An accessor cannot be declared in an ambient context.
node_modules/@ngx-translate/core/lib/translate.service.d.ts(77,9): error TS1086: An accessor cannot be declared in an ambient context.
node_modules/@ngx-translate/core/lib/translate.service.d.ts(78,9): error TS1086: An accessor cannot be declared in an ambient context.
node_modules/@ngx-translate/core/lib/translate.service.d.ts(82,9): error TS1086: An accessor cannot be declared in an ambient context.
node_modules/@ngx-translate/core/lib/translate.service.d.ts(83,9): error TS1086: An accessor cannot be declared in an ambient context.


  "name": "orderreconciliation",
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  • 一只成序源 2022-01-18 15:12
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