C#实习生 2022-03-31 15:57 采纳率: 60%
浏览 72


       sum(case when D.RQ BETWEEN '2022-01-01' and '2022-01-31' then d.ryou end) LZY1, 
       sum(case when D.RQ BETWEEN '2022-01-01' and '2022-02-28' then d.ryou end) LZY2, 
       sum(case when D.RQ BETWEEN '2022-01-01' and '2022-03-31' then d.ryou end) LZY3, 
       sum(case when D.RQ BETWEEN '2022-01-01' and '2022-04-30' then d.ryou end) LZY4, 
       sum(case when D.RQ BETWEEN '2022-01-01' and '2022-05-31' then d.ryou end) LZY5, 
       sum(case when D.RQ BETWEEN '2022-01-01' and '2022-06-30' then d.ryou end) LZY6, 
       sum(case when D.RQ BETWEEN '2022-01-01' and '2022-07-31' then d.ryou end) LZY7, 
       sum(case when D.RQ BETWEEN '2022-01-01' and '2022-08-31' then d.ryou end) LZY8, 
       sum(case when D.RQ BETWEEN '2022-01-01' and '2022-09-30' then d.ryou end) LZY9, 
       sum(case when D.RQ BETWEEN '2022-01-01' and '2022-10-31' then d.ryou end) LZY10, 
       sum(case when D.RQ BETWEEN '2022-01-01' and '2022-11-30' then d.ryou end) LZY11, 
       sum(case when D.RQ BETWEEN '2022-01-01' and '2022-12-31' then d.ryou end) LZY12





sum(case when D.RQ BETWEEN '2022-01-01'  and (case when((case when year(D.RQ) =2022 and month(D.RQ) = 1  then D.DYM end)) is null then null else '2022-01-31' end)then d.ryou end) LZY1,
sum(case when D.RQ BETWEEN '2022-01-01'  and (case when((case when year(D.RQ) =2022 and month(D.RQ) = 2  then D.DYM end)) is null then null else '2022-02-28' end)then d.ryou end) LZY2,
sum(case when D.RQ BETWEEN '2022-01-01'  and (case when((case when year(D.RQ) =2022 and month(D.RQ) = 3 then D.DYM end)) is null then null else '2022-03-31' end)then d.ryou end) LZY3,
sum(case when D.RQ BETWEEN '2022-01-01'  and (case when((case when year(D.RQ) =2022 and month(D.RQ) = 4 then D.DYM end)) is null then null else '2022-04-30' end)then d.ryou end) LZY4,
sum(case when D.RQ BETWEEN '2022-01-01'  and (case when((case when year(D.RQ) =2022 and month(D.RQ) = 5 then D.DYM end)) is null then null else '2022-05-31' end) then d.ryou end) LZY5,
sum(case when D.RQ BETWEEN '2022-01-01'  and (case when((case when year(D.RQ) =2022 and month(D.RQ) = 6 then D.DYM end)) is null then null else '2022-06-30' end) then d.ryou end) LZY6,
sum(case when D.RQ BETWEEN '2022-01-01'  and (case when((case when year(D.RQ) =2022 and month(D.RQ) = 7 then D.DYM end)) is null then null else '2022-07-31' end) then d.ryou end) LZY7,
sum(case when D.RQ BETWEEN '2022-01-01'  and (case when((case when year(D.RQ) =2022 and month(D.RQ) = 8 then D.DYM end)) is null then null else '2022-08-31' end) then d.ryou end) LZY8,
sum(case when D.RQ BETWEEN '2022-01-01'  and (case when((case when year(D.RQ) =2022 and month(D.RQ) = 9  then D.DYM end)) is null then null else '2022-09-30' end) then d.ryou end) LZY9,
sum(case when D.RQ BETWEEN '2022-01-01'  and (case when((case when year(D.RQ) =2022 and month(D.RQ) = 10  then D.DYM end)) is null then null else '2022-10-31' end) then d.ryou end) LZY10,
sum(case when D.RQ BETWEEN '2022-01-01'  and (case when((case when year(D.RQ) =2022 and month(D.RQ) = 11 then D.DYM end)) is null then null else '2022-11-30' end) then d.ryou end) LZY11,
sum(case when D.RQ BETWEEN '2022-01-01'  and (case when((case when year(D.RQ) =2022 and month(D.RQ) = 12 then D.DYM end)) is null then null else '2022-12-31' end) then d.ryou end) LZY12



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  • bekote 2022-03-31 16:09

    case when要在分组求和之前做,像这样
    select month,sum(RQ) from (
    select month,(case when D.RQ BETWEEN '2022-01-01' and '2022-01-31' then d.ryou end) as RQ from test
    ) tmp group by month




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