I am trying to update a google spreadsheet through Zend_GData library. I am sure the user ID and password is correct. I think the issue is with spreadsheet key or worksheet ID. Even I don't know exactly how to get this worksheetID. Kindly help me on this. This is the exact URL to m worksheet.
Here is my code.
$user = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$pass = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$service = Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets::AUTH_SERVICE_NAME;
$client = Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin::getHttpClient($user, $pass, $service);
$spreadsheetService = new Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets($client);
$spreadsheetKey = "0AmW1-CVeX7oOdGRkYURWNXVMRi1DTW9NTGNhZ09OTGc";
$worksheetId = "Sheet1";
catch(Exception $error)
echo $error->getMessage() ;
And this is the error message I see on my browser screen.
Expected response code 200, got 400 Invalid query parameter value for grid-id.