松饼q 2022-07-05 10:33
浏览 547

ArcGIS Linkage Mapper Pinchpoint 生态夹点创建失败


Linkage Mapper 执行 pinchpoint分析时失败。
廊道数据文件夹和Linkage Mapper toolbox文件夹都直接在D盘目录下,circuitscape也直接安装在C盘目录下。环境并行也改为0了


执行: PinchMapper D:\LinkMap Cost\For19poly OBJECTID_1 Cost\Weight 2000 false true # All-to-one
开始时间: Tue Jul 05 10:15:13 2022
正在运行脚本 PinchMapper.
A record of run settings and messages can be found in your log directory:

NOTE: ArcGIS errors are more likely when writing to remote drives or deep file structures. We recommend shallow project directories on local drives, like C:\puma. Errors may also result from conflicts with anti-virus software (known problems with AVG). We have also seen conflicts when writing to synchronized folders like DROPBOX.

Note also that Linkage Mapper tools often work best when run from ArcCatalog instead of ArcMap.

Setting data frame spatial reference to that of core area feature class.

Making local copy of resistance raster.
Creating output folder: D:\LinkMap\pinchpt_tmp

Running script s8_pinchpoints.py

Looking for D:\LinkMap\datapass\linkTable_s5_plus.csv

Looking for D:\LinkMap\datapass\linkTable_s5.csv
There are 258 links in the table.
This includes 118 potential corridor links.

Mapping pinch points in individual corridors
using Circuitscape.

If you try to cancel your run and the Arc dialog hangs,
you can kill Circuitscape by opening Windows Task Manager
and ending the cs_run.exe process.

Processing link ID #1. Resistance map has 40 nodes.
Calling Circuitscape:
Reading maps
Resistance/conductance map has 40 nodes
Solving focal pair 1 of 1
Graph has 31 nodes, 2 focal nodes and 1 components.

Circuitscape failed. See error information above.
Trying again in 10 seconds.
Calling Circuitscape:
Reading maps
Resistance/conductance map has 40 nodes
Solving focal pair 1 of 1
Graph has 31 nodes, 2 focal nodes and 1 components.

Circuitscape failed. See error information above.
Completed script PinchMapper.
失败 在 Tue Jul 05 10:15:57 2022 (经历的时间: 43.93 秒)

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    • 系统已结题 7月13日
    • 创建了问题 7月5日


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