I'm working on google map for live tracking. i have to change markers according to database Updation.
This is a testLocs variable. i want to make it dynamic.
var testLocs = {
1: { info:'Demo', lat:31.933517, lng:74.910278 },
2: { info:'Demo', lat:32.073266 , lng:76.997681 },
3: { info:'Demo', lat:32.23139 , lng:78.425903 },
So, For that from ajax call every 3000 (3 seconds) i call ajax script. So, I got response from ajax in this format.
In Console i got 3 Arrays from database in ajax response,
Array-1 : ["Device-1", "Device-2", "Device-3"]; // all device name
Array-2 : ["31.933517", "32.073266", "32.23139"]; // all latitude
Array-3 : ["74.910278", "76.997681", "78.425903"]; // all longitude
Now,I want to use it in Above var testLocs.
Whole Function,
function myTimer(new_latitude, new_longitude,new_name)
var new_latitude = new_latitude;
var new_name = new_name;
var new_longitude = new_longitude;
var testLocs = {
1: { info:'Demo', lat:31.933517, lng:74.910278 },
2: { info:'Demo', lat:32.073266 , lng:76.997681 },
3: { info:'Demo', lat:32.23139 , lng:78.425903 },
var myVar = setInterval(function(){ myTimer() }, 3000);
I tried with this but its not working.
var testLocs = {
single_value_latitude = single_value;
// alert(single_value_latitude);
Ajax code
(function worker() {
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
// data: {business1: business1},
url: '<?php echo site_url('home/automatic_fetch_data'); ?>',
success: function (data) {
var new_lat = [];
var new_lng = [];
var new_name = [];
$.each(data, function(k, v) {
var lati = v['latitude'];
var lngi = v['longitude'];
var namei = v['name'];
var new_latitude = new_lat;
var new_longitude = new_lng;
var new_name = new_name;
// console.log(new_latitude);
// console.log(new_longitude);
myTimer(new_latitude, new_longitude,new_name);
},complete: function() {
// Schedule the next request when the current one's complete
setTimeout(worker, 3000);
I got below array in after ajax response, console.log(data)
Array :
Array with 4 Object and in each object i got all the information device_id, device_name, latitude, longitude. In Console i got array in this information.
[Object { id="1", device_id="1", device_name="Device-1", latitude="29.630771", longitude="74.910278"}, Object { id="2", device_id="2", device_name="Device-2", latitude="32.073266", longitude="76.997681"}, Object { id="3", device_id="5", device_name="Device-3", latitude="29.630771", longitude="74.910278"}, Object { id="5", device_id="3", device_name="Device-3", latitude="29.630771", longitude="74.910278"}]