My php script returns data to the web client where it is processed by javaScript.
If data is found it is stored in an associative array / object. If no data is found I would like to send a blank associative array.
The only example I have seen on line is in the manual where you create an empty class and then instantiate an object from that.
Below is my code and the results it produces on the web client side
$sql = 'select job, client, project from jobs j left join client c on c.key = j.cKey where j.key='.$this->p['reckey'];
if ( $result = $db->query($sql) )
if ($result->num_rows > 0)
$l = mysqli_fetch_all( $result, $resulttype = MYSQLI_ASSOC );
$this->res_array['info'] = $l[0];
$this->errors[] = 'No such job # '.$this->p['reckey'];
$this->errors[] = 'Query failed!';
$this->res_array['errors'] = $this->errors;
echo json_encode ($this->res_array);
Here are two examples of what the data looks like when it arrives at the web client before it is decoded by JSON. Note the difference in the "info" element.
response {"info":{"job":"999","client":"My Company, Inc. ","project":"This Project"},"errors":[]}
error response {"info":[ ],"errors":["No such job # 0"]}
In the successful response I have an object/associative array where I would use the
for (variable in object) {...}
In the blank response I just get the standard array [ ] square brackets where I would use the
for (step = 0; step < info.length; step++) {}
This occurs of course because I am specifying a blank array in the php code above.
My question is simple how can I change my php code so a blank associtive array is transmitted?