duan7007 2012-06-27 16:03
浏览 120

IIS 6重定向目录到index.php?

I developed a PHP web application under Apache and am currently in the process of moving it to a server running IIS 6. Whenever I use this application on an Apache server typing this:


would internally redirect to:


Is there a way within IIS 6 to replicate this same behavior? Simply typing a link without index.php give me a director listing denied error. I am not a server administrator, and thus do not have the ability to install an extensions, if they are needed.

Thank you for your time

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  • dongqiabei7682 2012-06-27 16:14

    On IIS 6 (been a while since I used it) I believe you can set the Default Document in either the application pool setting or the application itself.

    In the Default Document properties box, there is a listing of file names and extensions you can set it to load automatically. They are in descending order of priority. You'll want to add index.php to the list and move it to the top.

    This will make it so any time you go to a "bare" directory, like http://www.example.com or http://www.example.com/subpage/ it will load up index.php.

    If you're trying to do it without administrative access, you can add a Default Document section to your web.config file which then gets used. http://www.iis.net/ConfigReference/system.webServer/defaultDocument

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