I'm trying to build my own framework for internal usage. I got structure like this:
boot /
application /
controllers /
core /
cache /
something /
Booter.php contains: (it's currently working only with files located in core directory):
class Booter
private static $controller_path, $model_path, $class_path;
public static function setDirs($controller_path = 'application/controllers', $model_path = 'application/models', $classes_path = 'core')
self::$controller_path = $controller_path;
self::$model_path = $model_path;
self::$class_path = $classes_path;
spl_autoload_register(array('Booter', 'LoadClass'));
if ( DEBUG )
Debugger::log('Setting dirs...');
protected static function LoadClass($className)
$className = strtolower($className);
if ( file_exists(DIR . '/' . self::$model_path . '/' . $className . '.php') )
require(DIR . '/' . self::$model_path . '/' . $className . '.php');
else if ( file_exists(DIR . '/' . self::$class_path . '/' . $className . '.class.php') )
require(DIR . '/' . self::$class_path . '/' . $className . '.class.php');
else if ( file_exists(DIR . '/' . self::$controller_path . '/' . $className . '.php') )
require(DIR . '/' . self::$controller_path . '/' . $className . '.php');
if ( DEBUG )
Debugger::log('AutoLoading classname: '.$className);
My application/controllers/indexcontroller looks like this:
class IndexController extends Controller
public function ActionIndex()
$a = new Model; // It works
$a = new Controller; //It works too
And here comes my questions:
[Question 1]
My code is working currently like this:
$a = new Model; // Class Model gets included from core/model.class.php
How I can implement including files by classes with namespaces? For example:
$a = new Cache\Memcached; // I would like to include file from /core/CACHE/Memcached.php
$a = new AnotherNS\smth; // i would like to include file from /core/AnotherNS/smth.php
and so on. How I can produce the handling of the namespace?
[Question 2]
Is it a good practice to use single autoload for Classes, Controllers and models or I should define 3 different spl_autoload_register with 3 different methods and why?