dongtu1789 2017-08-17 12:16
浏览 120


This little snippet aims to make a little autocomplete script in VimL. the first code:

cat % | grep function | sed  's/(/ /g' | awk '{print $3}'

list all the method inside a php class. For example the output of this command could be:


If I send to complete function an array

call complete(col('.'), ["__construct", "__toString", "foo", "bar"])

I can see this menu:

enter image description here

So the final question is, ... how can I transform this:


into this ["__construct", "__toString", "foo", "bar"]?

Here my wrong code:

inoremap <F5> <C-R>=CustomComplete()<CR>
func! CustomComplete()
    let l:functions = system("cat % | grep function | sed  's/(/ /g' | awk '{print $3}'")
    call complete(col('.'), l:functions)
    return ''
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  • doutu9810 2017-08-17 13:15

    Refering to the current file

    First, the % symbol is only parsed in the command-line. With system(), you need to expand it on your own:

    system("cat " . expand('%') . " | grep function | sed  's/(/ /g' | awk '{print $3}'")

    Now, there can be special characters in the current filename. To be safe, wrap the result in shellescape():

    system("cat " . shellescape(expand('%')) . " | grep function | sed  's/(/ /g' | awk '{print $3}'")

    Turning external command output into a List

    You can use the split() function with a {pattern} of (newline):

    let l:functions = split(
    \   system("cat " . shellescape(expand('%')) . " | grep function | sed  's/(/ /g' | awk '{print $3}'"),
    \   '

    Recent Vim versions have systemlist(), just for this common use case:

    let l:functions = systemlist("cat " . shellescape(expand('%')) . " | grep function | sed  's/(/ /g' | awk '{print $3}'")
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