I want to create a security rule in Firebase to only allow a PHP script (via a CURL request) to write to a location.
I can read/write to Firebase using a PHP script when the security rules allow anyone with authentication to read/write by appending .json?auth=MYAPPTOKEN to the URL.
I am also able to include/exclude users using Simple Login from reading/writing to locations, so I think I have a basic handle on the security rules syntax/operation.
Now, I want to have a location in Firebase that is only writeable from my PHP file.
Security rules that I've tried:
".write":"auth.secret == "MYTOKEN",
".write":"auth == "MYTOKEN",
".write":"auth.token == "MYTOKEN",
On the other side, I've tried modifying the .json?auth= in the request. Here's what I've tried:
$auth = array("token" => "MYTOKEN");
$auth = json_encode($auth);
Second Attempt:
$auth = json_encode("MYTOKEN");
And then replacing the .json?auth=MYTOKEN with .json?auth=$auth
So, how do I allow only that script to write to a location?
Thanks guys.